You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
You sit under the tree
You sit under the tree.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
See? Keep moving or you get tranked. That's how the game is played.
Your relaxing moment under the tree is rudely interrupted by an abrupt transformation. You are hit by a tranquilizer dart, which turns you into a person with a tranquilizer dart stuck in their neck. It's an easy change. Of course, your train of thought gets about as far as "Oh good heavens, a dart of some kind. I'd betteeerrgmphqq," at which point the dart takes effect, and you slump under the tree like a drugged-up rag doll. A half-hearted twitch is all the moving you do for quite some time. Eventually, you wake up. When you do, you are...
Written by Zodiac on 27 January 2007
The Institute
Whatever was in the tranquilizer, it's not very eager to wear off. In the vague fog between awake and asleep, you learn that you are in a sitting position, in a mildly comfortable chair, and there is a nice-sounding voice welcoming you to the Transformational Institute.
Your mind clears. You are in what appears to be some sort of lobbey. The walls are covered with mirror tiles (probably one-way mirrors hiding cameras, you note), as are the ceiling and floor. There is also a plain white desk, with an attractive woman in a labcoat sitting behind it.
On the wall behind her you see an elevator, and a frightening-looking black double door marked "Main Lab." On the wall to your right, there is a far friendlier door with a smiley face on it and a large orange "Welcome" painted on it. The woman in the labcoat smiles at you.
"Just pick a door and you'll be on your way."
So, which door do you pick?
Written by Zodiac on 27 January 2007
The Smiley Face Door (Brace Yourself)
You go to the smiley face door. It looks friendlier than "Main Lab" and less complicated than the elevator. You pull the door open and see another mirror-lined room with a middle-aged man in a lab coat looking at a monitor. The screen shows an empty room, lined with mirrors like the one you are in. It goes dark, and a list of options you can't read come up. The scientist glances up, sees you, and presses one of the choices on the screen.
A robotic arm swings down from the ceiling. It presses into your forehead, accompanied by searing pain. You grab at the arm, but it doesn't move. You try to back away, but the arm just follows you. The man appears to have initiated this, as he is making no move to stop the device. It pulls away, and the pain stops. You look at yourself in the mirror: in the middle of your forehead is a white circle, implanted by the probe.
"Welcome to the proving grounds. Here, you'll be put through a series of challenges beyond that which you're probably used to.
Your only aides will be your wits, and this," he says, tapping the circle on your forehead. "This will turn you into whatever you're thinking of. Be careful, though.
It WILL transform you into whatever you're thinking of, not just what you want to become." The scientist presses another button, and a wall slides open, revealing a dark room beyond. Behind you, the door has disappeared into the wall. You have no choice but to go on. But first, think. You can become literally anything, and you have no idea what you're about to face. Surely you should become something better prepared to face whatever lies beyond. It must be versatile, though, there could be a spelling bee beyond the door, you can't turn into a cannonball. Think...THINK! But don't think too hard, you'll change prematurely. What will you be?
Written by Zodiac on 04 March 2007
Ask for more details
"Now remember each room will contain a new challenge," the man said casually turning away from dismissing you from his thoughts. He returns to the machine and smiles absently at the controls.
"Wait!" You cry, "I don't understand any of this! Whats going on? What is this place? Why has this been done to me?" the man turns back to look at you the distracted look fading from his face. The screen behind the scientist blinks, showing scenes flickering from one person to another.
"Why you are asking me that? You made the choice to come here. And this place is what it always is; a challenge for your skills," the man sighs and shakes his head in exasperation. "Why don't people never do the orientation anymore. Very well, this is an arena to test your skills and your imagination. Alone, in pairs or in groups, it doesn't matter. You will enter each room in a different manner; normally you will not be shown what you will face. Each room will have a different challenge, sometimes a fight, sometimes a problem of logic, mostly it will be simply get to the next room. You beat the challenge---you move on, otherwise... Well, each room---room isn't really what they are, they are small worlds. And real.."
You listen with growing unease you turn to him and glance back at the door. The man follows your gaze and shakes his head. "Once in here you must go on. Now, you've wasted enough time. What will you choose?"
Written by TobyFox2002 on 22 February 2012
Wet dog, Rainy city.
You glance at the doorway where the man is pointing and smile. Closing your eyes your body shifts and cracks. You can feel your spine curling forward, the clothes on your back melt into your skin as a light coat of fur sprouts all over.
You can feel your ears pushing up the side of your head and your face stretches forward. The creaking of your bones clearly audible with your new ears. Finally, you over-balance. Dropping to all fours your hips lock, feet and hands grinding into canine paws.
Stepping forward you pass through a shimmering curtain of silvery liquid; almost like walking through a mirror. The world spins making you gag, when the world becomes still, you see where you are. A city street, slick with rain, the same rain that is soaking your back through your fur. Your ears twitch and flop you can hear something coming up from behind. Turning your head you are just in time to see a man with a long pole, on the end of the pole there is a hoop. Animal Control!
You leap aside, darting away down the street your heart pounding. The rain falls heavier, making it difficult for you to focus on the street ahead, everything blurring together in a grainy gray-scale cityscape. You mentally curse and think that perhaps its time for a change of shape.
Written by TobyFox2002 on 22 February 2012
A drowned Rat.
You make a quick decision, if the animal control person comes there would be no way to get to the next portal; to get to the next challenge. The footsteps of someone coming closer slaps wetly on the sidewalk. The sound makes up your mind for you. A mouse, quickly. Your body crushes inward the changes starting with a cold shock. Your ears shrink into the side of your skull and legs give out crashing to the ground. The changes leap from one part of your body to the other not showing much order.
Your thoughts seem to go somewhat fuzzy as the instincts of the animal comes crashing down on you. Fur darkening to black, eyes going sharp and beady, a thought occurs to you through the haze of the animal mind. The first image that popped into your mind wasn't a mouse... It was a rat. With a squeak you dart for a small hole in the wall of a building and entire world flickers. Stepping forward you find the yourself in the middle of a grassy field exiting the carcass of a fallen tree.
Sniffing the air your sense something wrong, and the feeling of being watched comes over you. The grass is just barely taller than you offering only minimal cover you realize its time to make a choice again. Wearily you make think about what you might want to be next.
Written by TobyFox2002 on 22 February 2012
The vixen of the wood.
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Closing your eyes, you can feel your body tingling. The change takes you with a sickening suddenness; fur turning red, muzzle pushing out. Your body shoots up, legs and paws distorting and torso expanding.
The near instant shift in perspective makes you ill and you have to fight in order to hold on to your last meal. Your ears ring, sounds echoing inside your skull as the world flashes, the woodland nightlife going to stark relief as everything turns as bright as day. Your fox sized rat's tail swish-cracks; up then down exploding into a foxes' red brush-tail.
Something else happens as well, at first you're not sure of what it is. A hollowing sensation, something sliding underneath your belly. Sliding... sliding inward, your amber colored eyes go wide in realization. You've turned into a vixen, a slight shiver runs through your body. And your mind thunders with a strange need; a calling for something that you cant quite place. It's hard to focus but something in the very deepest regions of your thought screams at you that you make a mistake and its time to change again.
Written by TobyFox2002 on 22 February 2012
The end (for now)