A drowned Rat.
You make a quick decision, if the animal control person comes there would be no way to get to the next portal; to get to the next challenge. The footsteps of someone coming closer slaps wetly on the sidewalk. The sound makes up your mind for you. A mouse, quickly. Your body crushes inward the changes starting with a cold shock. Your ears shrink into the side of your skull and legs give out crashing to the ground. The changes leap from one part of your body to the other not showing much order.
Your thoughts seem to go somewhat fuzzy as the instincts of the animal comes crashing down on you. Fur darkening to black, eyes going sharp and beady, a thought occurs to you through the haze of the animal mind. The first image that popped into your mind wasn't a mouse... It was a rat. With a squeak you dart for a small hole in the wall of a building and entire world flickers. Stepping forward you find the yourself in the middle of a grassy field exiting the carcass of a fallen tree.
Sniffing the air your sense something wrong, and the feeling of being watched comes over you. The grass is just barely taller than you offering only minimal cover you realize its time to make a choice again. Wearily you make think about what you might want to be next.
Written by TobyFox2002 on 22 February 2012