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Wet dog, Rainy city. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You glance at the doorway where the man is pointing and smile. Closing your eyes your body shifts and cracks. You can feel your spine curling forward, the clothes on your back melt into your skin as a light coat of fur sprouts all over.


You can feel your ears pushing up the side of your head and your face stretches forward. The creaking of your bones clearly audible with your new ears. Finally, you over-balance. Dropping to all fours your hips lock, feet and hands grinding into canine paws.


Stepping forward you pass through a shimmering curtain of silvery liquid; almost like walking through a mirror. The world spins making you gag, when the world becomes still, you see where you are. A city street, slick with rain, the same rain that is soaking your back through your fur. Your ears twitch and flop you can hear something coming up from behind. Turning your head you are just in time to see a man with a long pole, on the end of the pole there is a hoop. Animal Control!


You leap aside, darting away down the street your heart pounding. The rain falls heavier, making it difficult for you to focus on the street ahead, everything blurring together in a grainy gray-scale cityscape. You mentally curse and think that perhaps its time for a change of shape.

Written by TobyFox2002 on 22 February 2012

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