You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You have a look in the fridge.
In the fridge are a range of drinks,potions and other trinkets.
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
You decide to grab a can but of what...
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
Draccoon Soda
You take a can of soda. Curiously you have never heard of it before. draccoon , you look over the can. Supprisly it comes in a pink can and a can only 50ml size.
You take it and immediately feel funny.
You look down and you see the floor rushing up to meet you. You are shrinking. Before you shrink too far you sit on the table and you watch your feet rush up for the floor .
When you get to 6 inches tall the shrinking stops but the changes are not done yet. You look to your feet and you see them growing claws.
You look over the table and see the ground quite faraway. Their is a pressure on your back and your shirt bursts as wings shoot out.
You blink and look at each large wing, giving them an experimental stretch and flap. In looking back you notice a tail starting to grow out of your back, as your clothes have already fallen away.
You watch as scales grow pushing out all your hairs. Your mouth stretches out and you almost go cross-eyed trying to watch it. You look back to your tail and are quite surprised to see that is not scaly but is quite comparatively large and furry.
You bend over as you feel an odd pressure inside. The pressure turns to pulling, as it moves up your body. Slowly you feel changes both between his legs and inside your gut, and a feeling of expanding in your chest. There is a feeling of new muscle and more growing, and something growing inside as your pelvic bone reshapes.
You stand on the table and you see the store owner coming over to you with a mirror. "so that is what that soda does to people, here is a mirror so you can see what you are now" before handing it too you.
Written by catprog+Nikon on 09 March 2011
Looking in it you see a mixture of a dragon and a raccoon and you are defiantly female too.
"What do I do now" you ask.
"Well you could serve as a familiar to a new wizard" he answers "You should get quite a good price if you want to go that way."
"You mean being bought and sold like an animal?"
"well you are pretty much one now, I promise to not take much of a commission if you want me to sell you."
"Wait commission? You turned me into this and you expect to make money off of me?"
"Well your free to find someone on your own, I cannot say how well they will treat you. With my help you can get a good master who treats you well and a lot of time to do what you want. "
"I don't have a choice do I?" you say despondently.
"Not really, I do have some candidates if you would like to look them over"
Written by catprog on 10 March 2011
You nod accepting your new fate.
"I think the best candidate would be my grand daughter. She is just starting out and she would probably would be a great deal more fair."
"I would also be willing to pay you more then you would get from anyone else I would be willing to sell you too. You would be my birthday gift to her"
"How rare are familiars like me?"
"Former humans: very few. Dracoons: less so than the former humans. Although most of the dracoons are former humans."
"What is she like? And Draccons?"
"Well she has just passed her first series of testing. And that is your new species"
Written by Catprog+Gamerfox on 11 March 2011
"Ah, I see. So I am indeed a half-breed of dragon and raccoon?"
"I wouldn't exactly say half-breed, but yes."
"Well according to her mother she is a bit of a prankster, so I am hoping you could provide a bit of guidance to her. So maybe as to steer her down the correct path and possibly prevent something happening. And being a former male you can help her with human males as well"
"That I can, but that's going to cost extra. I am not a charity, mind you."
He smiles "I can turn you back after she has grown up."
You look at him suspiciously "Why would I want to"
He raises an eyebrow "You wouldn't want to go back to your normal life?"
Written by Catprog+Gamerfox on 12 March 2011
My life would be as good as dead by then
"My life would be as good as dead by then, So I would rather just stay with her. But if you did turn me back, why wouldn't you just sell me again instead? Would I be too old and not as valuable?"
"No at the point you would still have a long life. And experience as well. But I would of made a promise to you."
"Okay, but promises get broken all the time. I am not about to fall into one of those traps."
He nods "What would you like instead of the promise to change you back?"
"How about you check up on me too make sure I am being treated well"
Written by Catprog+Gamerfox on 13 March 2011
100 gold a week payment
He thinks for a moment "That is fair. I have inconvenienced you, I should be inconvenienced too. Weekly checkups? "
You nod.
"And for your familiar payment 100 gold a week?"
You nod again "That is plenty. I'm happy with that."
He smiles "I get your transport" and he closes the door and flips the sign to the closed side.
Soon he has returned with what appears to be a hat box and he indicates for you to go in to it.
Written by Catprog+Gamerfox on 14 March 2011
Your Master
You look at him curiously " I'm supposed to fit in that thing?"
"Have you seen how big you actually are? And I can't really wrap you up as a present. "
You do so and he puts the lid on. you hear muffled sounds until it opens again and you see a teenage girl looking in to the box.
"Thank you Grandpa" she says.
"Now remember, treat her nicely, she is quite powerful and I had to make a deal with her for you" he says "I'll let the two of you get know to each other. You are her first master so be patient. "
Written by Catprog+Gamerfox on 15 March 2011
"So what is your name little one?" she asks you and you find yourself answering "in your language I have chosen Kim"
You think "wait what? I didn't think of saying that". Then you hear in your mind the old wizard "You have a spell on you stoping you from revealing that your a former human"
"What?" "See, she dosen't need to know about your former life. Also it was neccasary for you to become a familar."
"But you didn't tell me"
"Of course, you probably would not of agreed if you knew"
"And my pay? What is the catch there?"
"Nothing you can use it for what every you want. Of course you probably would have to buy your own food"
"And I guess that works out to be 100 gold/week"
"Pretty much. This is your first lesson. Get as much information as possible before making a deal"
"Can I re-negotiate?"
"Sure what would you like to offer?"
"I have nothing do I"
"Nope and that is your 2nd lesson, Don't get yourself in a position where you are powerless"
Written by Catprog+Gamerfox on 16 March 2011
Shopping time
You snap back to reality "Kim, that is a nice name for you to have chosen" your master says with a smile.
The wizard smiles "I'll leave you two alone." and then with a twirl of his coat he is gone.
"So I have your gold here" she says holding up a card "Do you want to go shopping?"
You nod and she smiles before getting her broom out. "Lets go flying" and you hop on before she flies off.
You arrive at the mall and you get your first view of a building from the outside since changing. It might just be your new size but the building appears to be much larger then any building you have seen before. And you swear some of it is floating.
Written by catprog on 17 March 2011