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"So what is your name little one?" she asks you and you find yourself answering "in your language I have chosen Kim"


You think "wait what? I didn't think of saying that". Then you hear in your mind the old wizard "You have a spell on you stoping you from revealing that your a former human"


"What?" "See, she dosen't need to know about your former life. Also it was neccasary for you to become a familar."


"But you didn't tell me"
"Of course, you probably would not of agreed if you knew"


"And my pay? What is the catch there?"
"Nothing you can use it for what every you want. Of course you probably would have to buy your own food"
"And I guess that works out to be 100 gold/week"
"Pretty much. This is your first lesson. Get as much information as possible before making a deal"
"Can I re-negotiate?"
"Sure what would you like to offer?"
"I have nothing do I"
"Nope and that is your 2nd lesson, Don't get yourself in a position where you are powerless"

Written by Catprog+Gamerfox on 16 March 2011

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