On the bus
You look down the street and listen, but there is neither sight nor sound to verify the wizard's claim. Still he sounds quite sure, so you stand up, straighten your skirt and open your purse to get some money. You have just started counting when the bus rounds the corner, most probably behind schedule.
"How did you know?"
"Same way I knew you'd be here. I'm a wizard."
Having brought all the coins from your wallet, you have no problems producing exact change for the bus. The wizard, however...
"I only have exact change for two," he observes after counting his money quickly. "If you give me your fare I can pay for both of us."
That sounds like a plan and less for you to think of, so you hand over your money but can't quite free yourself from the thought that there is something wrong with this picture.
The bus arrives, and you get on first. The driver seems to be busy blinking and suppressing the impulse to rub his eyes, so you just breeze past him with the typical 'person behind me is paying' nod and start looking for a seat. You find one next to an elderly lady and start sitting down when your ears prick up at the sound of the wizard talking to the driver.
Did he say... "pet"?
No. He's struck you as a pretty decent fellow this far. He wouldn't... But you wanted to go exploring on your own, get on the bus and buy your own ticket. He just took that from you. And named you his pet to boot. Still, he's a wizard - maybe he knows something that would make it a bad idea for you to deal with the driver...
Then it dawns on you. He planned this. After all, if he knew where you were and when the bus was coming, how could he not know to bring exact change?
Your ruminations are interrupted by a friendly voice.
"My, you're a pretty one, aren't you?"
You turn around and realize the elderly woman is talking to you. Does she think you're a pet as well? Well, that's a misunderstanding that's easily remedied thanks to the last drop of the spray. Resisting the impulse to wag your tail, which is now wedged between the seats, you give her a sweet foxy smile and say: "Thank you."
She stares in surprise for a moment and says, "Oh. I thought you were... um, with him." Vague handwave in the general direction of the wizard, who has found a seat elsewhere. Good. You don't really feel like sitting next to him right now.
"I am," you explain. "Just as he's with me, and those two..." You indicate a young couple sitting closely embraced in the corner - "are together. Only not that close."
She nods. "Good to get that cleared up. I'm Marsha." She holds out her hand, and you shake it. As you keep talking, you notice that she keeps holding your hand, as if she is still not quite convinced that you are real. You have no issues with that - after all you have the same feeling about this whole day!
"I'm Foxie."
"You sure are. And your name?"
"Uh, that is my name."
She smiles a warm, practiced smile. "Well, that should be easy to remember. If you don't mind me asking... What are you actually?"
"I'm a kitsune," you blurt. "A Japanese magical fox."
"Ah, guess I should say Konnichi wa then."
You stare blankly at her.
"Uh... Wakari masu ka?"
You shake your head. "Sorry, when I said Japanese I meant 'as in Japanese folklore'. I'm not Japanese by birth and don't speak the language." Suddenly overcome by guilt you add quickly, "And to tell the truth I'm not really a kitsune either. I just said that to... impress you."
Marsha looks curiously at you. "Foxie, you're a talking fox. You are cute, friendly and well spoken. You don't need to lie to impress anyone."
You hang your head, ears drooping. "I'm sorry."
She chuckles. "And you're very good at looking sad. Think no more of it. After all I don't speak Japanese either, I just picked up some phrases. Anyway, this seems to be your stop. Been nice chatting with you."
You look up, suddenly aware that the bus has moved several blocks while you were talking to Marsha. Looks like you are in the neighbourhood of the magic store. Behind you the wizard is getting ready to get off.
Decision time. Looks like both Marsha and the wizard expect you to go with him, but that would mean letting him continue running the show. Maybe you'd be better off striking out on your own?
Written by Won-Tolla on 08 March 2011