Decisions, decisions, decisions
"Let me see if I got it right," the shopkeeper says. "You want to undo the transformation and return the carrier - what you call the costume. But you want to keep the pendant with the current illusion."
"That's right."
"Well, you hired the necklace for one day, so that'll be another 190 to keep it. Or you can continue hiring it as I said earlier. Are you sure about this?"
"Well..." You hesitate, and he continues: "I took the liberty of rechecking your credit. Seems you spent quite a bundle yesterday."
"Yeah, guess I got carried away. Went on a shopping spree. Clothing, mostly."
"Clothing. For the vixen you won't be any more, or for the woman that's just an illusion?"
"Um..." You must admit it sounds rather strange when he puts it that way.
"Sounds like you're planning to spend a lot of time as 'her'. Why not get a proper transformation? I can reset the pendant to cast an illusion of your old self when you need it."
"Well, it would be quite a change..."
"You're already something more different, and don't seem to have a problem with that."
Oh yes, the vixen. You realize that you've become so used to it that you almost forget what you are. "Yeah, but then there's the price..."
"A plain sex change would cost less than a sex-and-species. And in my honest opinion it would make more sense than spending a lot on real clothes for an illusion."
It suddenly occurs to you that if you cancel the transformation, you will become your old male self, and if you then put on the illusion necklace and appropriate clothing for what other see, you will appear to yourself as man in drag. Maybe not such a good idea...
"Got any alternatives?" you ask.
"Well, what you have now is what we call a conforming illusion. It appears to wear whatever you're wearing for real. With some modifications the illusion can be set to wear illusionary clothes. Allows such stunts as going out on a cold winter day apparently wearing just a bikini, while you're actually in full winter gear."
Written by Won-Tolla on 08 March 2011
The end (for now)