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Looking in it you see a mixture of a dragon and a raccoon and you are defiantly female too.


"What do I do now" you ask.


"Well you could serve as a familiar to a new wizard" he answers "You should get quite a good price if you want to go that way."


"You mean being bought and sold like an animal?"


"well you are pretty much one now, I promise to not take much of a commission if you want me to sell you."


"Wait commission? You turned me into this and you expect to make money off of me?"


"Well your free to find someone on your own, I cannot say how well they will treat you. With my help you can get a good master who treats you well and a lot of time to do what you want. "


"I don't have a choice do I?" you say despondently.


"Not really, I do have some candidates if you would like to look them over"

Written by catprog on 10 March 2011

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