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Shopping time star star star emptystar emptystar

He grins and with a wave of his hand your illusionary human is now female and quite attractive.


Before you know it you are in the stores trying all sorts of clothes. You wince to think what its costing, but you need to look good for the party! Soon you have taken your shopping home and hung it up in your closet, throwing the old male clothes in a pile.


You smile looking over your new wardrobe and try to pick out something good to wear. The green? Or the Blue? Which is the best compliment of your Vixen side? And also how much to wear , the fur covers up pretty much everything anyway so you could wear almost nothing. Of cause that is boring so you start trying everything on.


Soon you have a two piece bikini on and you smile. It almost seems your more naked with them on then with them off. A delicate yellow with polka dots! Oh, you're friend will LOVE this!

Written by Catprog & Felix on 14 February 2011

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