You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
Into the shop
You decide to go into the shop to look around.
Inside it is very dusty and is crammed with shelves. There is lots of products that overflow from the shelves and are lying on the floor.
You notice the counter and the old man in a bathrobe behind it. "Welcome <<your name here>>" he says. "How do you know my name?" you ask the old man "Simple, I am a wizard" he responds "Have a look around too see if there is anything you would like to buy".
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
you see a back room
You notice a back room behind him
"what is in there," you say.
"Well why don't you find out," he says back to you.
You through the room to see a spell book sitting there it has all kinds of transformation spells in.
You look out to see the wizard is gone and you sneak the book and go outside you decide to use the book so what to you turn yourself into?
Written by hypobonix on 26 March 2007
Foxy... Magic?
You skim the pages looking for something good. You stop when you hit canidae section of spells. You look closer and see... Fox. that looks good. It has a incantation under it, but it looks like gibberish. You almost put the book back when you touch it, and it becomes English! "Alright" you mutter. You recite the jumbled text (which is too complicated to even fathom) and wait. Nothing. You guess this must be a fake. You get up and grab the book. Then you realize you growing claws! Black fur bursts out of your shoe and it spreads. You feel something in the seat of your pants, and a tail bursts out! Finally, it winds down as you grow a vulpine muzzle. Youre a anthro fox! You run to get a mirror.
Written by on 25 April 2009
You look at yourself.
You run till you find a full body mirror. You run up to it and see yourself. the spell worked! you are an anthro fox in every way! But something about this mirror doesn't seem right. As you look at it you see things changing. You see the reflection's shirt change. It starts to get longer and longer until it looks like a dress. You don't see what happens to the pants, but something tells you that they are gone now. You feel as if you had no pants on now. You want to look down at your body, but you can't turn away from the mirror. You watch as your reflection lifts up the dress until you can see your own boxers. They start to shrink. Smaller and smaller they get until they are just white panties. You gulp as you watch the next change. This time it is not clothes, but what is in the clothes. The bulge in the reflection's panties starts to get smaller and smaller until it was gone. the reflection dropped the dress and smiled. Was it smiling? you can't tell. Just then the reflection started to grow something on his chest. breast were now there. not too big and not too small as it seemed. the body changed and now all you saw in the mirror was a vixen. Control came back to you. you gasp for air as if something was chocking you. you look at your body and it was real! everything that change in the mirror happened to you!
Written by Dustomega on 21 November 2010
The end (for now)