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At midday you feel a large spark flow through you and you black out before you gain control of it.


You awake and stare in the face of a male tiger. To your surprise he is quite attractive. You look down and to your shock you have 3 pairs of large breasts. You are turning into a female! You rush to the costume to try and get some control.


You put it on and unfortunately for you the breasts are still large even in the costume -- you'd rather not think about cup sizes, thanks just the same.


You look at a clock and are surprised to see that it is already pass the end of class. Just how long were you out? And why didn't the instructor try to wake you up? Or... maybe they did try to wake you up, and couldn't?


Well you did create a large spark much earlier then any one else. Perhaps you could create something to make your chest a more manageable size.


But your so tired all of sudden. That magic must of taken lots out of you. You stumble to your room and collapse into the bed...

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 16 November 2010

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