Deny the changes
"So, you're saying that this magic can change your species more easily than it changes your sex? That's... hard to believe. Look, I'm just not wearing any female costume, and that's all there is to it, okay?"
He nods "We'll just keep it here in case you change your mind when the changes start"
"Like, say, I grow a pair of oversized breasts or something," you reply dubiously. You're not sure why these people are so insistent about getting you to wear a female costume -- maybe doing so is what would make you turn female? but why would they want to do that? -- but at the same time, you're also not entirely sure you can afford to dismiss what they say out of hand. You do, after all, have a sinuous, tiger-striped tail...
That night you have a weird dream... at least, you think it was weird. In the morning, all you remember of this dream is that you were some sort of female cat-thing. You yawn and stretch a little... and find that your chest is rather tender. More: You find that you've acquired four more nipples on your chest than you had the night before! You panic a little -- and then you recall that cats have more nipples than humans. Just as the single pair of nipples you formerly had didn't mean you were a woman, so the three pairs of nipples you now have don't necessarily mean you're becoming a female. And... yep, your groin is unchanged. Good.
So today you learn about this magic. Magic 101. You spend the whole day trying to get at least some use of the magic. The instructors warn you that it usually takes a month to get a spark"
Written by Catprog & Cubist on 15 November 2010