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Middle of the year star star star emptystar emptystar

You are surprised when in the middle of the year you are transferred and you find yourself in a dormitory you did not know about. filled with cat people. You are doubly surprised when you find that your tail is now a proper tail.


You soon find out that the university is hiding a large rip in reality and magic is leaking into this universe. And the tail is the first sign of you being changed by it.


You are introduced to the heads of the facility who are are felines. While most are anthro there are a few other forms such as 2 varieties of taurs, a satyric form and even a few feral forms.


"Despite our studies we still don't know much about the magic. We do know it changes humans into other species -- and whatever the gender ratio started out as among those who change, it always seems to end up 50-50."

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 08 November 2010

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