<br/>They then go onto a series of classes about taking care of every aspect of cats. So this building seems to be focused on felines. <br/> <br/>The tour then finishes and you get a brochure about the courses they offer. All their courses seem to have the same starting class. 101M or 101F . <br/> <br/>The brochure says that tuition is $50,000 a year... but reading further, you discover that the University offers quite a large selection of financial assistance programs, not to mention there seems to be quite a few job openings in the area. In fact... if you're reading the brochure right, it looks like a smart student might actually be able to end up with more than 50 grand worth of financial assistance! That's a very persuasive argument for attending TFU. <br/> <br/>You flick back and read up a bit on the difference between the 2 101 classes.It seems that M is for males and F is for females. However they do say it is all right for males is F and versa versa. <br/> <br/>The person manning the booth then tells you their is only one spot left in the intake for the year and to sign up quickly if you want to do the course. <br/> <br/>
Written by Catprog & Cubist on 31 October 2010