You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You decide to get something else. But what?
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
The spray bottle
You get the spray bottle. Now what are you going to do with it?
Written by on 19 October 2004
Spray it on your hair.
You spray some of it on to your hair.
You notice a mirror and look in to it.
To your shock you notice that...
Written by on 19 October 2004
Your ears have become fox-like
<spanFullTF> Much to your surprise the back of your ears starts to grow red fur with the inside growing white fur.
As you watch your ears migrate to the top of your head changing into a triangle shape as they do so.
You look in the mirror and a nearby picture of a fox and realise that your ears are now fox ears.<spanFullTF>
You then...
Written by on 19 October 2004
Fox In A Can (TM)
You hold up the can to read the label, but it is in some strange alphabet you have never seen before. Maybe there is an English version on the other side?
You turn over the can without changing your grasp, and just as the nozzle is pointing straight at your face you accidentally push the button. The canned magic sprays right at you, making your eyes water and your throat burn as you inhale a few drops.
As you stand doubled over coughing, you feel your head getting front heavy, and as you clear the tears from your eyes the first thing you see is something big and red between them. Turning to the mirror you find that your mouth and nose have turned into a pretty vulpine muzzle, complete with black upturned snout at the tip and fangs in the mouth. And your eyes.... wow! Fox eyes to be sure.
Your fox ears pick up the sound of someone clearing their throat next to you, and as you turn away from the mirror you see the shopkeeper looking at you.
"Please continue your experiments outside," he says dryly.
"We don't want the potion to get on anything but you. Besides, sooner or later you'll want to undress, and that should not be done in public."
You ponder for a moment and yip softly in reply. Oops, looks like some of that stuff got on your vocal cords when you inhaled.
"Quite so," the shopkeeper admits. He seems to have a better idea about what you're saying with your new voice than you have yourself! "Oh, and you may want this. Just in case you haven't got any at home."
He hands you a bar of soap, and you stare at it for a moment before you realize that you don't have any magic soap at home, and certainly no one would expect you to.So that remark must mean it's ordinary soap.Which means...
Of course. You suddenly have a flashback to a story you read as a kid, about an evil witch who didn't realize her spray-on potions could be neutralized simply by washing them off with soap and water. Well, if it's that easy to cancel this magic you're going to have some fun with it! Maybe even come back and buy another can later... if it's not too expensive, but then they wouldn't be handing out free samples, would they?
The shopkeeper takes the can from you, shakes it and hands it back. "It has been used a couple of times," he observes, "but there should be enough left to cover your whole body if you spray thinly."
You want to ask if a thin layer will be enough for a complete transformation, but realize that you probably wouldn't want to go that far. And if you do it would be a good idea to get someone to help both with the spray and the cleaning up. And how are you supposed to clean your throat anyway...?
Written by Won-Tolla on 26 May 2007
Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Fox
Twenty minutes later you arrive safely home after learning a bit about your fellow humans. To wit, most people will treat unusual sights as if they were invisible. You actually walked through town with a fox face without causing more than a few raised eyebrows. A couple of kids would point and stare, but their parents - or whoever they were with - soon put an end to that.
Slightly disappointed, you lock the door and take the time to check your messages before you pick up the magic spray can and walk into the bath. You stand pondering your new face in the mirror while shaking the can and estimating that it's about half full. Now according to what the shopkeeper said, you can just wash off the transformation and start over later, but that would be so much spray wasted, and you don't know how long it would last. Better to continue from here...
Keeping the shopkeeper's advice in mind, you kick off your shoes, take off your clothes and fold them up before putting them to the side. Now...
Looking at your fox face again you realize there is something about it that you can't quite put your finger on. Somehow it's not quite what you would have expected - if you had expected something in the first place, that is! There is a word at the tip of your tongue that you can't speak with your current voice...
On a sudden impulse you bend over and spray your crotch. To your surprise it feels cold. Or rather, you feel as if you're cold. There is shrinking and pulling in, and suddenly, as the song goes, you're not half the man you used to be. To put it bluntly, you are female downstairs.
Vixen! That is the word you were looking for. Looking up at the mirror again, you notice the feminine features that eluded you earlier. You pick up the can and look at it. The lettering is as cryptic as ever, but you notice a small sign on the side. A pink Venus symbol.
No wonder the shopkeeper smirked as he handed you the can!
It's a vixen spray...
Written by Won-Tolla on 30 May 2007
"Well" you think to yourself " I better make sure that I can go back."
You grab a squirt of soap from the dispenser and hop in to the shower. You rub the soap all over your fur and rinse it out.
To your horror nothing happens. You try the soap the shop keeper handed to you but nothing happens again.
You remember seeing a phone number on the soap packaging and you dig through your bag trying to find it.
You notice your wallet fall out. To your surprise it shows your fox head and your gender as female.
You then find the number and you ring it.
"Hello this is the nick-nacks store at the end of the street" you hear the old man say.
"Yip,Yip" you say into the phone.
"Ah. Yes the soap makes reality reflect the new you"
"Well if you want to speak English try some mouthwash."
"To turn back to human you will need a human spray. I sell them for $3000 and they are good for 3-4 transformations depending on how much you have been sprayed."
Written by catprog on 22 December 2007
Be sure to rinse
Upon hearing this information you run over to your bathroom sink still with the phone in your hand ad grab a bottle of mouth wash.You then quickly rinse and spite the mouth wash and then say to the shop keeper."Oh thank god. I'll stop right over to get the human spray."
He then says "You should have a necklace now to allow you to talk" and you look down to confirm that you do have one.
You then run out of your house as fast as possible.
Written by Mrfunnyman on 27 July 2010
The end (for now)