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Rules #1 star star star star emptystar

You read the rules


1) at the beginning of every phase, everyone draws three cards, and discards to five.
2) The game display gives a task to the group and rebuilds the setting.
3) The players can play different cards on themselves or each other, to help them solving the task.
4) The players describes what they do.
5) Repeat step three and four until the cards are empty (The group loses the game) or the task is solved (and they move on to the next phase).
6) At the end of the game each player may remove part or all of 1 card per phase they won that is currently effecting them.


Which friends do you call?

Written by on 22 May 2010

a furry,a male housemate,a female housemate and a couple

Please fill in the form.

Remember even though this is a transformation story
not every page has to have a transformation.

Please try hard to spell correctly.

If you don't there is a greater chance of it being rejected.


Author name(or nickname):


What choice are you adding (This is what the link will say)

What title

What is being transformed

What text for the story

use <span class="male"> For the male version </span> (if you selected male above you don't need this)
use <span class="female"> For the female version </span> (if you selected female above you don't need this)
use <spanFullTF> around the tf <spanFullTF>
use <spanSumTF> to show a summury of the transformation for any one who has selected hide TF's <spanSumTF>
use <b> for bold </b>
use <u> for underline </u>
use <i> for italics </i>

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