You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
You walk towards the jungle
All of a sudden the path collapses behind you. Luckily you can still continue to the jungle.
As you do you start to grow orange fur with black stripes. You feel an enjoyable sensation as the wind rushes through your fur.
Teeth fill your mouth, so big they grow out like a sabre-toothed tiger's teeth.
Your nose and mouth then catch up. You watch as your new muzzle takes up the middle of your field of vision. Your brain is assaulted with lots of new smells.
As your ears grow pointy your hearing improves.
Meanwhile the rest of your body is changing too. You have a tail and have been forced onto 4 legs.
As look at yourself, you realise you're now a tiger.
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
You notice that you're changing again.
You start to get some of your human features back. You feel your waist reshape and you find that you can stand up. You then feel your throat change and you can talk again, among other things.
Now you're a hybrid of human and tiger.
Written by Cat on 03 June 2003
Off to See the Wizard
Well, that's a relief. It's bad enough to be lost in the jungle with no way out; having to deal with it on four legs would just be adding insult to injury.
Of course, you're still lost in the jungle with no way out - and no clothes - but you can handle that. You're a tiger. You've got claws and teeth and fur, and you've even got your hands back. What else do you need?
After wandering through the jungle for the next few hours, you decide that a map is what you need. You can't find another way around the break in the path. After an hour or two, you can't even find the path. You wander cluelessly through the trees, a creature superbly adapted to this environment and just as completely lost in it.
"Excuse me," says a lazy voice from overhead, "but you look like you're lost."
You look up to see a man reclining on a branch above you. He's wearing a blue suit, which - somehow - remains crisp and spotless in the hot, muddy jungle. He seems utterly relaxed. The contrast between his sleek outfit and your own bare fur, somewhat less than sleek after slogging through wet underbrush, somehow makes you feel like the least feline of the two.
The man gives you a suave smile. "I'm a wizard," he says before you ask, and snaps his fingers. A small blue flame appears in the air, flickering for a few seconds before going out. Given what's happened to you in the last few minutes, you're not particularly impressed.
You gesture to your striped body, wishing - now that you've got company - that there was a bit more than fur covering it. "So you did this?"
"No, that's just a local curse." The wizard shrugs. "People walk into it all the time. None of my business."
Somehow, you don't quite believe him.
"As it so happens," he continues, "I have an errand I need done, and only a tiger-woman such as yourself can do it for me. I'd be most grateful if you did. I'd be willing to give you your human form back, get you out of this jungle, maybe even throw in a little extra reward... I've got magic to spare."
You are, of course, somewhat skeptical. If he's so powerful, why doesn't he do it himself?
"And if I don't agree?"
The wizard shrugs. "Then I have no reason to make you human again. It's up to you."
Written by Chrysalis on 12 April 2010
How hard can it be?
"If you are as powerfull as you say you are, why can't you just pop in and get it?" you ask.
"Well, I am strong in transmutation, but that requires other magic, and even my magic is not strong enough to hold the curse at bay. You, however, have some resistance to the curse - unlike nearly everyone else who has gone through," he replies.
"What do you need me to do?" you ask in reply.
"I need you to take a focus to the fortress in the middle of the forest so I can set up a transportation tunnel and travel to the inside. There is a dragon inside who I talk to, and he also wants to travel without being affected by the curse," he answers you.
Written by catprog on 15 April 2010
The end (for now)