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Maybe it was something he ate. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You are a slightly chewed and very unhappy pepper when you reach the man's stomach. He ate you! He really ate you! What kind of person eats food they find on the ground? You hope he gets indigestion.


Unfortunately, hoping is all you can do. You float in the darkness of the man's stomach as you are slowly digested. Being a vegetable (well, technically, a fruit), there's not much you can do about it. At least it doesn't hurt. Peppers don't have nerves, after all.


As it turns out, floating there is all it takes. Whatever was in that soda is in you now - and now it's in the man as well. It's only a few minutes before you hear a startled exclamation from above and the stomach around you starts changing.

Written by Chrysalis on 02 January 2010


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