You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
You sit under the tree
You sit under the tree.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
A Blue Light
A blue light blocks everything else.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
You notice that you are no longer under the tree. Instead it looks like you are in a jungle.
Written by catprog on 04 June 2003
You start walking...
You decide to explore the jungle. You walk carefully over fallen branches, step through giant roots under hanging trees, and crawl through dark caves.
You finally see something you know- the path to the beach!!
... Unfortunately, there are three obstacles you must go through if you want to reach it...
One is a dirty jungle river.
The second is a thick group of trees.
And the other is a clear field, with sun shining down on it and flowers blooming.
Pick one!
Written by Another Author on 21 June 2008
You jump in
You stip down to your underwear and jump in the river. You feel the cold jungle water cling to your skin as you blindly swim to the other side.
But it never comes. After your breath begins to fade, you scramble for the surface. It never comes either.
You open your mouth, gasping for breath. You are about to fade into unconsciousness when you can suddenly breathe again. You look around to see the surface, but you only see dark water.
Then, the water is illuminated, like night vision. Your eyes don't sting anymore, either.
You start to healthily freak out, and thrash in the water. You continue to breathe from what you now understand are gills, but you try to touch your now unblinking eyes. You see in the enlightened water not hands, but long, skinny, flat appendages. They shrink back further into your body, and now they only propel you forward.
You feel the strain as your legs shrivel into two tiny fins on your abdomen, and your spine builds into a long, finned tail. Your neck disappears into your body, and your whole head lengthens.
Your mouth stretches even further to give way to your giant teeth.
Your last human thought is 'I'm a barracuda???'
Your first fishy thought is 'Food!'
Written by Another Author on 21 June 2008
Because I'm tired of these "You forget you were ever human. Game Over." chapters, that's why!
You can see it a few meters in front of you: a dead fish, bobbing near the surface of the water. There's something shiny hanging from its tail, but you couldn't care less about that. You quickly snap it up and get ready to swim away, when you feel a tugging sensation in your mouth, followed by a sharp pain.
Something sharp has dug into your jaw, and is tugging you to the water's surface. You panic. You need to be below the water. The water keeps you safe, keeps you alive! You can't leave it! you try to swim to the bottom of the lake, but that only hurts you even more. After a couple of minutes of struggling, you just don't have the strength to fight this thing anymore.
You are brought to the surface, where you see a huge, monstrous creature waiting for you. As the water starts sliding off your body, however, you have a thought. Isn't that called a human?
You're not sure why, but calling this creature a human seems like a good idea. The human carefully reaches for your mouth, and you consider biting him, but realize it wouldn't do you any good. He gently removes the sharp, shiny thing from your mouth and set you down on a dry surface.
You're drying out further, and you're running out air. You're just about to give up, when suddenly, you can't feel your gills anymore. Something else has taken their place. Something rather familiar. NO! You think, I have never had anything other than gills! I need to get back to the water! With a new-found energy, you desperately try to flip yourself off this thing and back into the water, but stop when you get another thought.
I've had these things before... these, what are they?... Lungs! I've had lungs before, they're perfectly natural... But, why? I've been underwater my whole life...
You look up at a yellow circle above you, feeling the heat coming from it drying your skin even more. It hurts to look at it though, and you wish you had some way of covering your eyes... And you do! You blink.
A rapidly shrinking part of your brain protests this, as well as the swelling of your fins into arms and legs. But the human part of you, gaining strength once again doesn't care. You pick yourself up off the boat's deck as your teeth and mouth shrink back to human proportions.
The fisherman who just saved you from a life as a barracuda then hands you the clothes you discarded when you tried to cross the river, while looking away from your naked body. After putting your clothes back on, you thank the man. He responds...
Written by Lost Yoshi on 04 April 2009
Stay Out of the Water.
"Fine," says the man when you thank him. "Just don't do it again."
He sets you ashore on the bank of the river, human and clothed, if somewhat sore around the mouth. It's only when he pulls away and starts to row downstream that you realize you're on the wrong bank.
You hate to bother the fisherman again, but there are no bridges in sight, and there's no way you're going back in that cursed river. You yell to the fisherman, who comes back and listens impatiently as you explain that, while you're really very grateful that he saved your life, he did it in the wrong direction.
"...So if it isn't too much trouble, could you take me to the other side of the river? Please?"
He shakes his head. "It doesn't work that way. Now that you've started down this path, you can't just go back. You've got to follow it to the end. Of course, you could just stay here, but you'd probably starve to death if you stayed human."
You're not sure which part of that speech is the least encouraging.
"Your mistake before was in stopping." The fisherman starts rowing away from the shore. "Keep going forward, and you'll keep your mind. Your body... Well, I'm not making any promises."
With that, he floats away again, leaving you alone with nothing but the clothes on your back and a fishy taste in your mouth. It's just you and countless miles of trackless wilderness. (Well, there's one track, but it hasn't led you very well so far.) Your choices are somewhat limited. There's the path, the trees to the left of the path, and the trees to the right of the path. All three look pretty much the same. You might as well pick one and get going... before you turn into something else.
Written by Chrysalis on 31 December 2009
The end (for now)