You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
You sit under the tree
You sit under the tree.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
A Blue Light
A blue light blocks everything else.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
You notice that you are no longer under the tree. Instead it looks like you are in a jungle.
Written by catprog on 04 June 2003
You look around...
You get up and look around. You see a man in a half cloak, smoking cigarettes. He sighs and points up. There is a sign there. You see words pointing in each direction...
One says tiger...
One says bear...
One says lion...
One says 'Oh my!'...
One says shark...
One says lizard...
One says dog...
One says ???...
One says 'To Laboratory'...
And one says 'Your home'...
So... Which way?
Written by Another Author on 20 June 2008
Where's the Shark?
You thank the man, who gives no sign that he hears you, and walk down the path labeled "shark." It's... a path. As far as you can tell, it's exactly like all the others. There's no sign of any sharks. The jungle is dimly green and humid, and nothing bites you but mosquitoes.
The path doesn't go far before it ends. Actually, it doesn't end - you can see it continuing in the distance - but since the fifty-foot section in between is underneath a rather large river, it doesn't do you much good. No one has bothered to build a bridge. You walk to the edge of the water and look both ways, but you can't see a bridge upstream or downstream either. Maybe everyone who lives around here just likes to swim.
Written by Chrysalis on 13 June 2009
The end (for now)