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You push into the thicket star star star halfstar emptystar

You decide to go through hardships to reach your goal.


You push through the thicket, and for what seems like hours, you brush aside limbs, and kick through small trees.


Finally, light shows through the trees. You leap into it, then realize you're falling off a cliff into the ocean below.


You hit the water, losing consciousness.


When you wake up, you are back at the point you were at the beginning of the day. You are hungry, so you stop in the shop.


You walk to the food, and pick up a random packet and eat its contents.


You are kicked out a moment later, and you are stripped bare of everything, but you get to keep your food, at least!


You walk the path to the tree, and sit down at it. You finish the food, and toss the packet away. You doze off...


You wake up on the ocean floor. You yawn and look around. You realize you dozed off, and rejoin your school of sharks to find your food for the days ahead. The whole process was never real, it was all a dream...


You too, human user of this device you call a computer, are in a dream.


Next time you wake up, you'll return to your original form, whether it be a monkey, a dog, a snake, a cheetah, or a giraffe. Sleep and regain your animality...

Written by Another Author on 21 June 2008

The end (for now)

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