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You jumped! star star star star halfstar

You scramble for the window, and blast through it as the two guard dogs break into the room, nipping at your heels.


You look down to see that you are ALOT higher than you thought! You have about 700 floors before you hit the side walk below!


You see, far below, the street with the shop, and the cave, the house, the white fence, and the tree. So... You have some time to kill before YOU'RE killed, so why not check how long it takes to fall.


You glance over to your wrist to check your watch, then you scream in surprise!


Instead of a hand, you see long brownish feathers extending from your wrist, and your watch has fallen to the ground far below. You watch in terror as the feathers crawl up both of your arms, and you finally have a set of wings!


Only 500 floors to go!


You watch your pants fall down for no apparent reason, then see the long skinny yellow legs with talons at the end. You are becoming a bird!


Your grope at your shirt with your wings as you begin to feel uncomfortable, but you see more feather spill over the line of your t-shirt, tearing it in two to reveal a giant, feathery chest!


Only 200 floors to go!!!


Still to heavy to fly, you finally see your small nose extend outwards, becoming hard and yellowish. You feel your mouth follow suit, and soon you have a beak. Your vision focuses and you finish turning into an eagle... But you are still human sized!


And you only have 50 floors to go!


Finally, you shrink and shrink into a normal size. You float gently onto the tree, and watch your neighbours walk past, noticing...

Written by Another Author on 20 June 2008

The end (for now)

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