You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You have a look in the fridge.
In the fridge are a range of drinks,potions and other trinkets.
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
You decide to grab a can but of what...
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
German legends
You choose the can with the German writing on it. You chose it because of the cool wolf design on it.
You show it to the shop keeper and he nods and says "Enjoy!" with a big smile. You smile back. You go outside and decide to scull it down all at once. You pop it open and drink it in half a minute.
"Wow!" you exclaim after drinking it. "That was a great drink" and you toss the can into your bag, as a souvenir.
You decide to go home. But later that night, when the full moon rises...
Written by underdrag on 16 July 2006
what the h-aooooooooow
you feel you legs snap backwards and your ears place on top of your head and you legs and feet become paws and now you realise you are a wolf for the rest of the night.
Written by Racerboy on 10 September 2006
First Night on Four Legs
You stand there on four legs, panting after the breathtaking speed of the transformation. All your senses are overloaded. Every sound, every creak of the house and gurgle of the plumbing and rustle of nocturnal animals outside, sounds loud enough to be in the room with you. Your ears twitch from side to side on top of your head to catch them all. Your vision is blurry, and all the colors are gone - giving your familiar (but surprisingly tall) bedroom the impression of an old black-and-white movie - but the fact that you can see at all is unbelievable. The room was pitch-black just a moment ago.
What really hit you the hardest, though, are the smells.
You can smell every single living thing that's been in your room in the last... well... you don't even know how long. You know some of the scents have to be at least three months old. There's a family of mice living in your wall; you can't believe you never noticed them. Every speck of dust, every inch of carpet, every piece of dirty laundry releases a silent symphony inside your nose. You run all over your room, falling down a lot on your four unfamiliar legs, to poke your newly elongated nose into everything.
A tiny part of your mind mutters that you really should clean your room more often. You ignore it. Your entire life is opening up before you in a way you couldn't have dreamed of ten minutes ago. One human has been here in the last few minutes, and you grin wolfishly when you realize it was you.
Walking becomes natural surprisingly quickly. Within minutes, you feel as if you've been a quadruped all your life, and you leap on and off of the furniture as gracefully as a dancer. You notice a strange, breezy, twitching sensation from your rear; you can't restrain a short bark of laughter when you realize it's your tail wagging.
You quickly smother that - there's no telling what will happen if you wake someone up in this state. They'll probably assume you've eaten yourself.
In fact, it would probably be best to get out of the house altogether. If someone does come into your room for some reason (and boy, will you be in trouble if they do), it would be better for them to find it empty than to find only a wolf. Besides, this is only one small, rather stuffy room. You want to get out and smell the rest of the world. You've been given the chance to be a wolf for a night - you shouldn't waste it.
Of course, you may not have a choice. Your spirits fall for the first time when you realize that your door is closed. Doorknobs are a lot harder to turn without fingers.
Written by Chrysalis on 01 May 2008
The end (for now)