You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
Into the shop
You decide to go into the shop to look around.
Inside it is very dusty and is crammed with shelves. There is lots of products that overflow from the shelves and are lying on the floor.
You notice the counter and the old man in a bathrobe behind it. "Welcome <<your name here>>" he says. "How do you know my name?" you ask the old man "Simple, I am a wizard" he responds "Have a look around too see if there is anything you would like to buy".
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
You see a small statue on one of the shelves, it appears to be a small golden cat.
Picking it up, you feel a slight tingle run through your body. Shrugging it off, you put the statue back. Soon, though, you feel you legs start to cramp up.
You sit down and pull your shoes off to see them cover in short golden fur as they slowly shift. Soon both legs are unrecognizable as your own, and look like those of a large cat, almost the same colour as the statue.
The gold fur spreads it's way up your body to your waist, and a sharp pain marks the arrival of your tail, which rapidly grows from the base of you spine. You swish it from side to side, and marvel at the feeling. The fur continues to spread across your chest and back, and soon travels down your arms.
With some relief you notice your hands aren't changing into paws, but do notice as claws push their way painfully out of your fingertips. Only your head is left, but it too is covered in fur. Your notice your ears begin to grow larger pointy, and grow to the top of your head through your hair, which has turned a slightly darker than your skin. You notice your vision get distorted as your nose and mouth push out into a short cat-like muzzle, with your tongue lengthening to match. The change is nearly complete as your old teeth fall out to be replaced with a much sharper set, and you feel whiskers grow and twitch on the sides of your face.
You look at yourself in a mirror, and notice you look like many depictions of the Egyptian goddess Bast, although your clothing doesn't suit your new form...
Written by Vanghar on 18 October 2006
The goddess Is In Another Avatar
"What is this!?"
You slam the golden statue down on the counter in front of the man who calls himself a wizard, and to your surprise it falls over, almost crumbling in your hand. Has turning into Bast (or whoever you are supposed to be) made you that strong? No, the statue seems to be corroding rapidly. It must have started after you took it from the shelf, for it looked nice and shiny then. Not that that is your prime concern right now...
He looks at you. He stares. "Wow!"
"I didn't ask for your opinion!" you bristle.
"Answer me!"
"This..." he points to the crumbling statue, "is, or rather will soon have been, a summoning statue for the goddess Bast. It was used of old to call down the goddess to our material plane. Whoever touched the statue in a special ceremony would be possessed by the form and spirit of the goddess. That was before, though. After she lost her worshipers, Bast's power waned until she simply ceased to be. A few statues remained, though. Looks like this one had just one more transformation in it. Excuse me."
He whips out a cell phone, punches what appears to be a speed dial number, waits for an answer, and speaks into the phone.
"It's me. That statue of Bast? I win!"
He holds up the phone to snap a picture of you, then punches a few more keys, presumably sending the snapshot to the same number.
"Now this," he continues as if nothing happened, pointing at you this time, "is the physical manifestation of Bast's avatar.
Albeit, alas, without her spirit."
You reach over the counter and collar him. "I'll show you some spirit!" you snarl. "Turn me back! Now!"
"You don't need me for that," he assures you. "Just do as you just did. Touch the statue enchanted with your physical form."
You let go of him and step back, staring at him. Did he just say...?
"I..." You shake your head and speak slowly, as if to a child or someone with one braincell. "I. Do. Not. HAVE. A. Statue. With. My. Physic... What you said. Call me crazy, but it never occurred to me that I might need one!"
He shrugs. "Too bad. If you had known in time, I could have made you one."
"Well, hindsight is 24/7."
"Surely you mean 20/20?"
"No, it means I think about my mistakes all the time."
You look at the counter. There is nothing there now but a thin layer of dust.
"What happened to the statue anyway?"
"That last transformation broke its morphic field.
It's gone now. Don't worry, you helped me win a bet, so I won't exercise the 'you broke it, you bought it' option."
"How generous of you!" you say in a voice dripping with sarcasm. "What about me?"
"You, you, you! Is that all you think about?"
"I'm an egoist. So sue me!"
He comes out behind the counter and walks slowly around you, studying you intently.
"You are very beautiful. For a cat goddess."
"I look like a freak!"
*BANG!* The impact of his fist on the counter sends the last speck of statue dust scurrying to who knows where. "You look like a goddess of old!" he thunders. "Show some respect!"
You jump back and snarl at the sudden outburst. You are a hair's breadth from attacking him - after all you are the one with fangs and claws...
Then you realize that even though he can't change you back, he is still the one with magic and a whole deck of wildcards. You back down and try to relax.
"I'm sorry. But what can I do now? Say, do you have any other transformation magic here?"
"I do, but nothing that will make you human. Besides divine magic is about the strongest there is, I doubt I have anything that can overcome it."
Silence falls as you both run out of things to say, and after a while the wizard goes back to doing inventory or whatever he was doing when you interrupted him.
You just sit around moping. What can you do? You can't go home or to school or anything. You're not you any more. Your old life is as dead as Bast herself - and right now you think she was the lucky one of you two...
Written by Won-Tolla on 31 May 2007
Maybee a way back?
"Hang on" the wizard says suddenly coming back and interrupting your mopping.
"What?" you snap at him.
"I might have a way for you to change back" he replies.
"Really?" you reply.
"If you can get enough worshipers. Bast might be able to come and sort this mess out" he tells you.
"I thought you said she didn't exist anymore" you remind him.
"Yes. Well as long as she has had at least 1 worshiper she should still be alive" he says " Just not able to do anything"
"And if she didn't have the worshipers" you ask.
"Well then you might be able to use her powers and take over her role" he answers.
Written by catprog on 02 June 2007
How's That For A Career Path?
Despite your predicament, you can't help bursting into laughter.
"Me, a goddess?" you howl. "That'll be the day!" You calm down and add, "Seriously, though - what kind of goddess was Bast anyway? I heard once that she was the goddess of fire prevention or something."
The wizard nods. "You and Smokey would make a great pair."
"Get real!"
"I'm a wizard. I define reality."
"Whatever. Anyway, how many worshipers would I need?"
The wizard ponders. "Actually I do know the exact number to be considered for base divinity. Kind of Goddess 101 if you like. But first you must promise not to get mad at me."
"Why would I get mad? Is the number that high?"
"No, but you might think it's a joke because it happens to equal another religiously significant number."
"Promise. Lay it on me, mortal."
"You are not immortal yet!"
"Just practicing. Roll the digits."
"The number is six..."
"Is that all?"
"You just said that."
You ponder. Somewhere, Pinky is pondering the same thing.
"Did you stutter?"
"So the number is..."
"Six. Hundred. And. Sixty. Six. Good luck, you'll need it. Oh, and there isn't a manual."
Written by Won-Tolla on 02 June 2007
Wizard Worshiper?
"So how does someone become one of my worshippers anyway?" you ask.
"Well. You just have to get them to pray to you about once a week" he replies.
"And how am I supposed to do that" you say.
"I don't know. Do I look like I know all about the gods."
"Anyway you might want to start with the cat-people that vist my backyard."
Written by catprog on 26 April 2008
The end (for now)