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Once in a blue moon star star star halfstar emptystar

You have to follow unfamiliar paths through the forest rather than the usual highway, but finally you start recognizing the hills surrounding Elmsville and realize you are approaching your friend's bungalow from the back. Fine, then you won't have to cross any more roads.


Crossing the ridge you spot the big house on the other side of the valley. Funny, looks like all the lights are out. Wasn't the party tonight after all? No, you remember everyone making a big fuss about the date even though you can't quite remember why.


As you run down the hill you realize you are at the wrong side of the lake. No problem, you can just swim across it. After all you're a big strong werewolf now!
Down at the shore you stop and sniff at the myriad scents carried by the breeze across the water. Somehow you recognize several that you can only have smelled as a human before. Everyone is there, even the professor from the observatory...


Then you remember how disappointed you were a fortnight ago when you couldn't go to Peoria to see the solar eclipse. Tonight is the time for its counterpart, the lunar eclipse. And from the way you're starting to feel weaker, it looks like you will not only see it but feel its effect as well. Better get across the lake while you're still strong enough!

Written by Won-Tolla on 10 November 2007

The end (for now)

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