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Breaking loose star star star emptystar emptystar

You decide to toss off the heavy robe, reasoning that it's only holding you up.


You find a set of loose pants underneath, cinched tight with a silk belt. You think about tossing the robe and spade. But since you have no idea where you are, you decide to take them with, just in case.


You roll the robe into a solid strip and tie it around your waist. Without the robe you can see your now furred chest. Your anger is spent, and you now face your new existance. "Oh god. It was hard enough getting women to like me as a human, what the hell am I supposed to do now?" You are saddened, but decide to push on.


You slowly get your balance as you move on, you're capable of walking, just not like before. Soon you pick up your pace, walking quicker and quicker.


Soon you are running, and you find great wells of stamina in your new body. It's not the greatest rush, but you're enjoying yourself.


Slowly you begin to tire, and you notice that you can't even find a game trail. Just woods and flatland. "There's gotta be a path somewhere. I can't have been moved that far away." But as the sun lowers you begin to think that you may never find the shop again.


You sit down to rest and are once again forced to sit and think about your new body.

Written by Russet Wolf 13 on 11 October 2007

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