Try to refrain from panicing long enough to make a plan
You try to come up with a plan as you stare at your rubber wallet filled with worthless rubber bills and cards. Your mind feels like its running running running running without going anywhere, like a hamster in an exercise wheel. Need food. Nothing edible. Need money for food. No money. Need to get money to get food. No cards. No money. No food.
Wayne is gonna kill you if you mess this up! Think already!
You take a deep breath to try and calm down so you can focus. The hands on your rubber kitchen clock are frozen at 5:16, with the second hand pointing silently at the seven. That probably means that nothing else in the house will be working - and specifically means that (1) you can't turn this into a relaxing night watching TV, and (2) you won't know when your genie has recharged if you stay in the house.
Less than twenty-three hours to go. You'll need at least three meals for yourself and your niece. How?
You finally get the flash of inspiration you were so desperately needing - the bank! You can't make a withdrawl using your bank card on the ATM, but if you go there in person all you need to do is give your account number. Most of the tellers recognise you anyways, so you shouldn't even need to show any of your worthless ID! Only trouble is that they close at six, the closest grocery store closes at six, and you'll either have to take Isabelle with you or leave her here somehow...
Wait a minute - where did Isabelle go? She's been awfully quiet lately, which is suddenly making you nervous. You start to walk quickly around the house to try and find her, but the bouncy floors make walking difficult. Instead, you end up bouncing softly as though you were on a trampoline.
She's not in the living room, entrance, or kitchen. You try to open the bathroom door, but the rubber door knob just twists in your hand without opening.
Wait - does that mean you're trapped inside, too? Maybe you'll just have to wait an hour, wish for some food, then play with Isabelle until she gets tired out and falls asleep...
Hey! You forgot that you left your bedroom window open for air this morning, and find the fresh evening air a welcome relief to the sticky-rubbery feeling that you didn't even notice building up in the rest of the house. You look out the window for a moment, thinking that you should get your clothes off the line once you find your niece, when you notice something unusual bounding across your back yard and off towards the jungle.
Something strangely chimp-shaped.
Oh no....
Written by Sam on 21 August 2007