You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You decide to get something else. But what?
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
A lamp
You take a lamp. Now what are you going to do with it?
Written by catprog on 05 March 2004
Rub the lamp Version 2
Just then, a huge puff of green smoke appears.
The smoke forms the shape of a humanoid, then finally materializes into a turquoise-skinned man who appears to be about 25 years old. You quiver with fear, staring at him (after all, you're not used to seeing turquoise-skinned men appear out of lamps).
"Who has rubbed my lamp" the man asks in a light, yet stern voice.
"I-I did", you answer softly.
He steps closer to you and bows. "Thank You, Master, Thank You!", he says as he kneels to you.
He stands. "Yes", he says. "You have released me from the Lamp, and now you may have as many wishes as you want. The wishes carry certain limitations, however..."
"Yes, like what?", you ask again, almost bursting with excitement (having your own genie and all).
"First, you may only make a wish once every hour. Second, all wishes must remain in effect for at least 24 hours. Third, all wishes made by the master should be precisely worded.
If the wish is too vague, then I shall choose the remaining factors of the wish. Forth, I can not kill or bring someone back from the dead.
Finally I can not make anyone fall in love with someone else"
Well what are you going to wish for?
Written by on 04 August 2004
Cry Uncle and let slip the monkeys... that's not how it goes!
You scratch your head and ponder. Unlimited wishes? "Well I'll be a monkey's uncle!" you exclaim.
Poof! suddenly you grow shorter, yuor arms grow longer, various parts swell and shink, and you get covered (almost) all over with thick black fur. Opening your mouth for a shout all that comes out is a surprised "Ook!"
The genie smiles and shakes his head. "Remember what I said about precise wording? Well, that should be it for now. See you later. Oh, and here's your niece. Have fun!"
And with that he is gone, just like that. Apparently the lamp is gone too, but after a frantic search you find it under the table. Hoping against hope you rub it frantically, but all that comes out is a small puff of green smoke that congeals into a set of glowing digits. They last just long enough for you to realize that they are counting down from an hour. Another attempt produces blue digits that seem to be stuck at 23:59. Counting down from a day?
Pondering what the genie said, you realize that the first digits show when you can make a wish again (but not cancel the one you just "made") and the other how long your first one will last...
You didn't say that. Looking in the direction of the sound you see a small chimpanzee child (cub? whatever) standing where the genie disappeared, looking curiously at you. She (it's a female) skips closer, sniffs at you and jumps into your long arms to cuddle while making happy little chimpanzee noises. She must really like you!
Of course! The genie called her your niece, didn't he? So you are not only literally a monkey, but literally a monkey's uncle as well! For at least twenty-four hours. This is going to be soooo weird...
Written by Won-Tolla on 24 July 2007
Say it Aunt so!
Your head spinning from the drastic changes in your lifestyle, you stand quietly in the middle of the store with a small monkey on your arm, trying to figure things out. The more you look at the little one, the cuter she looks, and you realize you're starting to like her. She is after all (somehow) you niece, and you're her...
Wait a minute.
Despite your warm fur, you feel a chill runs down your spine as the full implication of your own words - or one word in particular - strikes you.
You are a girl, or at least you were until you rubbed the lamp. But now...?
Suddenly acutely aware of the weight in your groin, you look around, spot a mirror and lope over to confirm your suspicion.
The first thing you notice is that your clothes are history. Disintegrated or turned into fur - better find somewhere private to change back just in case!
Looking into the reflection of your eyes, you let them wander slowly downwards... across your muscular but still rather flat chest... past the place where you suppose your navel must be (it's hidden in the fur)... down to...
Wow. You never thought you would ever be that close to one of those! And whoever the little chimp girl's parents may be, you certainly aren't their sister.
"Are you finished back here?' We're closing in five..."
That's how far the shopkeeper, suddenly appearing behind you, gets before you drop everything you're holding, jump him and start screaming random monkey noises. Fortunately he seems to be used to that kind of thing.
"There, there, slow down," he says calmly. "I don't understand a word you're saying. Not that you understand it yourself, am I right?"
You calm down and realize he's right. Your throat may be built for speaking Monkey, but you have no idea if you're saying what you want to say.
The old man picks up the lamp and looks at it. "It's alright," he assures you. "It can be quite a shock the first time - lucky you chose a form so similar to human - but you'll get used to it, and tomorrow you will be yourself again. And in the meantime you have 23 opportunities to upgrade this form."
He turns to hand the lamp back to you, and notices the chimp girl in the corner. "Ah, the old monkey's uncle gambit. Hello, Cherie!"
"Ook?" It probably doesn't mean "You know each other?" but the shopkeeper realizes what you mean anyway.
"Yes, she's an old young friend of mine," he explains as she ambles over and starts climbing him like a tree. "Little Cherie here is the temporary niece of anyone who 'wishes' to be a monkey's uncle. And yes, I am aware that you didn't mean that as a wish. Call it a genie prank. The genies have a hard time telling if their masters made a wish or not, so they are training them to speak clearly. This is your first lesson."
After a short pause he continues: "I'm sorry but I have to close now. I suggest you take Cherie for a walk or something. And don't worry about the lamp, it has become attuned to you so it will always turn up somehow an hour after you lose or misplace it. See you tomorrow."
You take little Cherie by the hand and walk slowly out of the store as the shopkeeper starts closing it behind you. "By the way," he adds right before he shuts the door. "If you wonder about her name, it's from Mary Poppins."
You turn and look at him with a furrowed brow. You don't remember any chimpanzees in that movie...? With a smile and a wink he starts singing softly, "Chimp chimpanzee, chimp chimpanzee, chimp chimp Cherie..."
Great. A pun. You roll your eyes and slap your forehead. At least that gesture is universal!
As the building lights go out, you start walking down the path to the jungle (see chapter one) and notice that you are starting to get used to your new legs. Maybe this won't be so bad after all, and tomorrow...
Hang on. You can't just wait until tomorrow! You have a date with your boyfriend tonight, and after the last time you stood him up, he made it clear that if he doesn't see you tonight he doesn't want to see you ever again...
Written by Won-Tolla on 24 July 2007
The end (for now)