Ice cream, you scream...
Feeling a bit peckish for something sweet and cold, you take an unlabeled package from the freezer. You can feel through the wrapper that it's a block of something half soft with a stick at one end, so you figure it's a popsicle.
As you take out the package and close the fridge door, there is a gust of cold air from inside, and you seem to hear a distant howling wind for a moment. Curiouser and curiouser!
Whoah, look at the time! You have places to go and things to do, so you head for the door and decide to put off further exploration until later.
As you pass the counter, you hold up the package and say to the clerk, "I'll take this."
He smiles enigmatically and says, "Okay. Don't get too cold now!"
A moment later you are out in the baking midsummer sun again. Getting too cold? Not much chance of that in this kind of weather!
Time to cool down a bit.
As you walk down one of the paths you saw earlier, you tear the wrapper off your selection - and freeze. Not literally of course, you just stop moving for a moment as you hear the wind again, a bit stronger this time, and notice some white particles falling through the air around you. Catching one on the back of your hand you realize it's a snowflake. In this heat, and from a cloud free sky?
You look at the popsicle. It is white and fuzzy, covered with what appears to be coconut shavings. You're not too crazy about coconut, but you can't take it back now you've opened it, so you lift it to your mouth...
There is a bright flash of white.
You stop and blink. For a moment there it looked like everything around you was covered in thick ice. You could even feel the cold! And for some reason you thought about polar bears...
"Stuff and nonsense!" you declare as you close your eyes, open your mouth, stick the popsicle in and start sucking on it.
The howling of the wind fills your ears.
Written by Won-Tolla on 18 June 2007