Short Weekend
While you stand pondering your immediate future in the mirror, the silence is shattered by a loud noise that almost makes you jump out of your new skin. It's the main door downstairs!
You were alone in the building earlier, so it must be someone coming in!
Heart racing like a mustang, you slip out of the dress as fast as you can without tearing it, put it back on the hanger, hang it back in the closet and slam the door shut. Then you stand with your back to the door heaving for air until you can hear yourself think again.
All is quiet again. Listening carefully with involuntarily flattened ears, you think you hear a distant shout, but that could be outside...
That settles it then. If you get that jumpy just being in the same building as someone, there is no way you'll ever find the courage to take the vixen out. Then what can you do, stay inside and play with yourself? Yeah sure, very mature. No, this adventure has to end now. You need a shower, but you don't want to risk crossing the hall like this.
Fortunately there is one that's nearer.
Sneaking through the living room as quietly as if your life depended on it, you enter your sister's bath, wave sadly to the cute vixen in the mirror and reach back to unhook your borrowed bra. It's halfway off when your little red heart makes another jump at a new sound. A key in the lock! Your sister must be home early!
Swift and silent as the wind, you slip out of your underwear, toss it in the laundry hamper and run into the living room where you take a flying leap into Jeanette's collection of stuffed toy animals that lie scattered all over the central couch. Landing next to an unlicensed Hobbes doll, you roll over, pull the stripy one over you and try to look lifeless.
You catch your breath seconds before the door opens and Jeanette enters the room muttering to herself.
"It's so unlike him," she mumbles. "Where can he have gone off to just like that?"
By now you have become so accustomed to being female that it takes a second before you realize that "him" is you - her brother. Of course, she went to check on you first thing when she came home - that's why she took so long to get up here. And you remember when you left your own flat, you were planning to return in a few minutes, so you didn't bother with locking the door or turning out the lights. It must look like you left in a hurry, maybe got kidnapped or worse!
That re-settles it, you think as Jeanette starts walking through the room. You can't go around playing a vixen while your sister is home worrying about you. As soon as she leaves the room you'll sneak out, go home and jump in the shower. And that will be the end of...
That's how far you get before your sister stops right in front of you.
Written by Won-Tolla on 04 June 2007
The end (for now)