And I Think it's Gonna Be A Long Long Time
You find a chair, sit down sideways to leave your tail free, and let your mind wander. Unfortunately it just keeps moving in circles.
You have lost track of time, but it's starting to get dark when the wizard comes over and speaks to you again.
"I am closing now. I can't have people roaming around (or sitting in a corner for that matter) here at night, so you have to leave now unless you want to become an exhibit."
You look up. "I still have no place to go."
"I am afraid I can not help you. Please leave now."
"It was your stupid statue that did this to me!"
"Actually it was your stupid hand that did this to the statue. I told you I'm a wizard, didn't I?"
"And your failure to make the connection "wizard -> possibly dangerous magic lying around" is my fault in which way exactly? Or did I accidentally leave the statue prominently displayed right inside the door with a sign saying 'Please Touch Me'?"
You shake your head, momentarily distracted by the realization that you actually heard the arrow in his 'connection' statement. Guess it takes a wizard to talk like that...
A clock strikes.
"Final warning. Please leave."
You stand up and hesitate as the wizard walks away. A few minutes he is back carrying what appears to be a rolled up sheet of black velvet, and a small beaker with a shiny liquid in it. He puts the roll on the counter, reaches out with his free hand and leads you over to what looks like a block of marble lying on the floor. You notice idly that it looks a bit like the pedestal the Bast statue was standing on, only bigger. This one is a couple inches thick and big enough for a person to stand on.
The person in question turns out to be you. The wizard motions for you to climb up on the block and assume a cat-sitting position just like the statue. You start getting an idea about what's going to happen, but you just don't care anymore, and you are not exactly surprised when, after making some corrections to your pose he holds out the beaker and says "Drink this."
You don't even want to ask what it's for - you'll find out soon enough. You shift your weight so you can raise a hand to grasp the beaker. Your pointed lips make it a bit hard to drink like a human, so you just raise your head and pour the liquid into your mouth.
You shudder at the vile taste as you hand the beaker back and reassume the position. Feeling a warm numbness spread within you, you try to speak but only manage to make a few deep grating noises before your voice disappears.
The wizard says something, but his voice sounds very faint and distant, then everything gets really quiet. The vile taste disappears from your mouth, in fact you can't even feel your mouth - or any other part of your body for that matter. Soon all senses are gone except for sight, and you can only see straight ahead. You can't close or move your eyes, or feel them for that matter. Neither can you feel or move anything else.
The wizard appears in your limited field of vision carrying a mirror, which he puts down in front of you and adjusts so yo can see yourself.
You see a bigger version of the statue that crumbled to dust a few hours ago. Its unblinking eyes are blue sapphires, and the rest of its body seems made of a material that looks more like golden fur than rock or metal, but it is probably one of the last two.
And this, you realize, is you. Somehow you can't really get upset about it. The wizard did after all give you fair warning that he was going to make an exhibit of you. He just didn't specify a statue.
After a while he takes the rolled up velvet sheet, unrolls it with a flourish and tosses it over you.
You are in darkness. Total darkness. You lose track of time, but when the cloth is removed you notice the daylight coming from a different angle, so it must be morning.
If you still had a voice you would have screamed at the sight of the giant wizard looming over you. Then you notice everything around you looks bigger as well, and realize it's you that has grown smaller. As the wizard bends over to pick you up, you notice you must be about the size of the old statue.
He puts you on a shelf and carefully adjusts your position so you can see the door and the counter and follow what little action there is in the area. Then he starts going abut his daily business, leaving you with your own thoughts.
It looks like a pretty quiet day. The wizard spends most of it doing inventory and looking up things in old dusty tomes. Now and then someone comes in, looks over the free sample table and leaves again, some of them carrying some selection with them. You want to warn them, but what can you do?
Around noon the wizard disappears into the back room and comes back with a cup of some steaming liquid, which he proceeds to sip while sitting behind the counter. Suddenly he looks up at you, moves his lips and shrugs apologetically. Maybe he said he's sorry he can't offer you a drink.
The afternoon is also quiet, except for the arrival of a truck with some boxes which unfortunately get unpacked out of your sight, so you have no idea what's in them.
The night is dark and quiet, but occasionally you seem to catch a glimpse of something dark moving around on the floor. Maybe the wizard has some kind of creatures guarding his shop at night? Well, that would explain why you couldn't stay there overnight before the last change!
The next day is mostly the same, only a while after lunch someone comes in, gabs a costume from the sample table and heads for the changing rooms. They don't come back.
You begin to wonder how many transformations this shop is responsible for, and what becomes of all the changelings. Some of them are probably worse off than you. This isn't so bad really - you have shelter and don't really need anything else (except for company, though you do seem to have lost your capacity for being bored), and you can't feel pain or other discomfort. All in all this could be a pretty acceptable way to spend eternity. You are probably pretty indestructible too, unless some madman should come around with a sledgehammer.
You ponder the meaning of it all, and figure that if the wizard just wanted to replace the statue he would have shut down your mind or something. He doesn't strike you as the kind who enjoys torturing people. He's just a business man who isn't falling over his feet to help undeserving people.
Undeserving people... like you. He really didn't deserve the way you treated him, and you wish you had a voice again so you could apologies.
The third day he takes you down from the shelf and gives you a polish. You enjoy the attention, but would probably enjoy it even more if you could feel his touch. Skin contact, you reflect, is probably what you're going to miss most as a statue.
The wizard leaves you on the counter to dry, and while it's fine to be closer to him, you can't see the door or the sample table from that angle. A couple of times he seems to be talking to someone (but you still can't hear) and points in the direction of the changing rooms.
During teatime (or whatever he's drinking) another old man comes by with an old book they both study intently for some time. When the guest leaves, you go back on the shelf, and soon closing time comes again.
That night you catch yourself wondering if the old statue had a mind trapped in it just like you, and what happened to it.
The next day the shop remains closed. The day after is the same. When the wizard returns on the third day, you see him turn a page on the calendar and realize it must be Monday. So the shop was close over the weekend - quite normal.
Days go by, with tea and polish as regular anchors. You figure it's tea the old wizard is drinking because you see him talking about it, and it seems to be a short word. Weeks turn to months, months to years, years become a blur. You watch the old man grow older still, and realize that you would have been middle aged now yourself if you had remained human. But here you are, eternal as ever.
One day the old, old man sits down with his tea and doesn't get up again. He sits motionless for hours before someone walks in, looks at him and runs out again. An ambulance crew rushes in and puts him on a stretcher, then after a brief examination they cover his face and cart him slowly out. A bit later someone comes by to put out the lights and lock up the store. It doesn't open again for a long, long time.
It takes a while before it sinks in. The old wizard is dead. To your knowledge, he never told anyone about you. Nobody in the whole wide world knows you exist.
You are all alone now.
Written by Won-Tolla on 02 June 2007