Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Fox
Twenty minutes later you arrive safely home after learning a bit about your fellow humans. To wit, most people will treat unusual sights as if they were invisible. You actually walked through town with a fox face without causing more than a few raised eyebrows. A couple of kids would point and stare, but their parents - or whoever they were with - soon put an end to that.
Slightly disappointed, you lock the door and take the time to check your messages before you pick up the magic spray can and walk into the bath. You stand pondering your new face in the mirror while shaking the can and estimating that it's about half full. Now according to what the shopkeeper said, you can just wash off the transformation and start over later, but that would be so much spray wasted, and you don't know how long it would last. Better to continue from here...
Keeping the shopkeeper's advice in mind, you kick off your shoes, take off your clothes and fold them up before putting them to the side. Now...
Looking at your fox face again you realize there is something about it that you can't quite put your finger on. Somehow it's not quite what you would have expected - if you had expected something in the first place, that is! There is a word at the tip of your tongue that you can't speak with your current voice...
On a sudden impulse you bend over and spray your crotch. To your surprise it feels cold. Or rather, you feel as if you're cold. There is shrinking and pulling in, and suddenly, as the song goes, you're not half the man you used to be. To put it bluntly, you are female downstairs.
Vixen! That is the word you were looking for. Looking up at the mirror again, you notice the feminine features that eluded you earlier. You pick up the can and look at it. The lettering is as cryptic as ever, but you notice a small sign on the side. A pink Venus symbol.
No wonder the shopkeeper smirked as he handed you the can!
It's a vixen spray...
Written by Won-Tolla on 30 May 2007