Serum Thirteen
Charles fills a large syringe with Serum Thirteen, a disgusting brown sludge, and hands it to the scientist. He swabs your shoulder and empties the contents into you. He then stands back, and watches. You instantly feel a dull, alien pain at the site of the injection, which spreads to the rest of your body. You start to twitch. It becomes more and more violent, until your entire body is rippling with spasms.
As you convulse, your muscles enlarge, quickly becoming unnaturally enormous. You hear a series of sickening CRACKs coming from beneath the twitching blobs of muscle, as you feel your skeleton expanding to accommodate the added muscle. You try to scream, but emit instead something more like a roar. Strangely, the restraints on the table have changed shape, and still fit you perfectly. In fact, the whole table seems to be growing with you.
Your skin starts to itch, then burn. Your teeth elongate and sharpen, and your mouth and jaw grow to fit them. Thick, black hair erupts from your burning skin. Your eyes blur, and then snap back to a far sharper focus than you've ever been accustomed to. The room also seems brighter than before. Your ears become large and pointy, and your hearing becomes incredibly acute. Your sense of smell, too, has been drastically amplified. A set of vicious-looking claws grow from your hands and feet, as your body continues to painfully expand.
Bit by bit, the violent changes subside, and your transformation to supersoldier is complete. You're about 8 feet tall, incredibly muscular with amplified senses, and a thick coat of fur. The scientist begins talking again.
"You have become, in case you'd like to know,a Class A Standard Mamallian Generic Grunt Supersoldier, perfect for missions that require strength and versatility, assuming that's what you want to do. Oh. And we made you female for population control purposes, which reminds me... Now comes the question: Would you prefer being a breeder, or a soldier?"
Written by Zodiac on 06 May 2007
The end (for now)