You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
You sit under the tree
You sit under the tree.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
A Blue Light
A blue light blocks everything else.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
What an odd room
As you sit under the tree, a blue light suddenly flashes and you pass out. When you awaken, you find yourself in an odd room. In one corner, you see a large weight set, with all the works, including bench press, leg press, and many other things. In the back, you see a large banquet table set with all sorts of strange foods. In the other corner, there is a large tub filled with a strange green goo. You look for a door, but there isn't one. What will you do?
Written by nergal on 06 September 2006
Snack Time
Suddenly, you're attacked by sudden and violent hunger pangs. You make your way over to the table. There's so much stuff, but it doesn't look quite like what you're used to. Still, you think, food is food! What will you try first?
Written by Zodiac on 02 March 2007
You have terrible taste in food
You see a plate full of snakes arranged in a tasteful pattern. You've never eaten snake yourself, but you're pretty sure it counts as food, so you try one. One is enough, and it fills your mouth with a dusty, dry taste, like you've just eaten gravel. The terrible taste accompanies the snake down your throat and into your stomach. Only then do you read the card next to the plate of
snakes--"Medusa's Fried Snakes, Extra Crispy"--what have you done?
A crippling stiffness spreads from your stomach...it goes down your legs, and they become heavier and heavier. Finally, they freeze. It travels up your arms, which you also find you cannot move. You do see your hands though, which turn pale, and then gray. Then, they harden--you're turning into stone!
The pain travels up your spine, as bit by bit you freeze in place. It reaches your lungs, forcing all the air out in an eerie sigh as they, too, become stone. Unable to breath, you start to panic. Your heart races, only to be stopped by the creeping change. It travels up your neck...your mouth slams shut, your lips fuse together, and become statue-like and immobile.
Your eyes freeze in a look of terror, but you can still see, miraculously. Your hair becomes brittle coils of rock, your brain long since converted to lifeless stone. Yet you're still conscious.
You're still alive! All you have to do is wait for someone to change you back. Get comfortable, though. It'll be a long wait.<spanSumTF>You are now a solid stone statue</spanSumTF>
Written by Zodiac on 03 March 2007
Trap Door
Suddenly a trap door open up underneath you.You slide down a long tube and end up in front of
a sign.
Welcome trespasser.
First let me introduce myself. I am a wizard who is looking for test subjects. Now thank you for volunteering to be one.
Just sit tight until it your turn.
Another trap door opens and you are dropped on to a ice ramp. You then slide down up to the end of the statue line.
You look down and see that the slide runs along side a large tower. You do some quick calculations and work out that you are at least 5000 statues from the end.
Just then a person walks up to the end of the line and takes the statue from the end.
The statue comes to life and the wizard casts a spell on the human.
When the smoke clears...
Written by on 25 April 2007
The end (for now)