Symbiotic Seeding? Sounds sublime!
You walk into "Symbiotic Seeding," and are greeted by a poorly lit room. There appears to be someone at some sort of a control panel near the back, but the figure is obscured by shadow. He, however, sees you, and calls out to you in an untrustworthy-sounding voice.
"Welcome, my new friend. You have been selected to participate in our human-plant symbiotic experiment.
Disrobe and step into the tub to your right." A spotlight comes on at that moment, illuminating a tub, to your right. You hesitate. The tub is an unusual tub.
It's deeper than an ordinary bathtub,and instead of one single faucet, the entire tub is dotted with tiny hoses. "I would advise you to cooperate," the voice tells you. The light shifts slightly, and you see why. The figure at the control panel is flanked by four, perhaps more, imposing silhouettes, each about twice as tall as the man at the control panel, and each one appears capable of snapping you like a twig.
Reluctantly, you step into the tub, which begins filling with odd, dark gray, syrupy fluid. You would almost call it mud, but it's too artificial-looking, and too sticky. The tub fills until you're completely covered, and then the liquid quickly drains out. You, however, are still completely covered in the goo. The tub then fills with what feels like water. You think the water will wash the goo off, but it doesn't. After a little while, the water drains out too. The man at the control panel instructs you to stand, and you do.
At that point, more lights come on near you, although you can't see the man. You can, however, see the mirror-covered walls, and you're shocked at what you see.
You're totally covered in the gray, sticky goo, which has hardened into a tough yet flexible shell. Covering this, though, are tiny flecks that must have been in the water. These start to burrow through the shell, and then into your skin! Your entire body suddenly erupts into a burning pain. You try to claw at the evil little specks, but the gray shell protects them. You can't even scream, your mouth is sealed shut by the ooze. All you can do is moan in agony as the scientist watches unmoved.
The shell, however, has started to cake and fall off. At first in little crumbs. Then, huge sheets of the terrible stuff roll of of you. This brings no relief to the pain, though--as the shell falls off of you, it tears away at your hair and some dead skin. Over your screams, the scientist shouts to get back in the tub. You oblige, hoping to end your suffering. This time, the tub is filled with a shimmering clear liquid that just might be water this time. Instantly, your pain is soothed. You linger in the water for a moment before you climb back out to see what, exactly, has been done to you.
The first thing you notice is that all of your hair is gone. Every last hair on you has been ripped from your body by the crumbling shell. Then you see your skin erupting with what look like green pimples. But they're not. They're something far worse than acne. The scientist explains: "The little flecks that burrowed into you were seeds, specially made to form a plant-based symbiotic with a human. They'll form a nice coat for you, and you'll benefit from their photosynthesis. They, in return, will absorb water and nutrients from your body. It's a beautiful relationship, and it's about to start, right...now!" On the word "now," slender blades of grass burst from your skin, covering every inch of you in what looks like green fur. You try to rip the plants out, but to no avail.
You've successfully completed the symbiotic seeding program. A door opens up nearby and you go through, awaiting whatever awaits a human-plant symbiotic.
Written by Zodiac on 09 April 2007
The end (for now)