Big Mistake
You decide to struggle to pull yourself out of the tub. You violently slap at the vile gunk, and try with all your might to wriggle free of the bench. You remain stuck fast. The bench seems to sense this that you're trying to escape, though, and slowly sinks, lowering your entire body into the goo.
You're now completely submerged in the green goo. It burns your eyes and nostrils, and as you struggle you start swallowing the stuff. Soon, the painful ooze has permeated every part of you, and the pain is intense, unbearable, like you're drowning in fire. And then, all at once, it stops. You climb out of the tub. It's difficult, but it's the best you can expect after nearly drowning in noxious ooze. There's a mirror near the weight set, and you see your reflection. You're horrified by what you see.
The reason the goo no longer hurt is because you BECAME the goo. You are a vaguely anthropomorphic pile of hot, green, transformative goo. Your eyes are still there, but they've turned a sickly yellow color. You have a arms, but they aren't very strong, being made of goo, and a vague sort of gooey fold that could pass for a mouth. Other than that, you're a pile of goo. But you're transformative, you realize...this could get interesting. Anything that you touch will be transformed--but to what? Will everyone become goo, or does that only apply to those who nearly drown in it? This calls for some exploration. Unfortunately, there's no time for that right now. A trapdoor opens up underneath you, pulling you down into some sort of tube system. You slide easily through the tube in your new form, and soon land with a *squerk* somewhere else. You look around.
Where ARE you?
Written by Zodiac on 02 March 2007
The end (for now)