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You look in the box... star star star halfstar emptystar

Looking into the box, you also find a pile of leather. Pulling it out, you see it is a saddle, along with leather straps; which you realize is barding.


Since you've gone this far, you feel compelled to put it on, and place the saddle on your back, relieved you can reach back that far. Even though you never learnt how, you soon have most of the straps in place around you body, and enjoy the odd feeling they provide.


As you pull the final piece up between, you notice the leather barding attached extends beyond the horse portion of your body. You soon realize a leather top is attached, and pull it up, strapping it around your back.


You notice the front part feels loose, even though the straps are tight. You are left with little time to wonder, however, as you suddenly feel a painful sensation in your groin as you manliness pulls up into you body. The feeling of organs shifting inside you leaves you with no doubt what has happened.


You feel a tingle in your arms and face as your features soften into that of a teenage girl. Soon the reason for the loose top becomes apparent, as you chest begins to swell, leaving you with two breasts filling up what you now recognize as a medieval bodice.


Suddenly you feel lost, as you wrap you arms around your new breasts...

Written by Vanghar on 04 November 2006

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