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The Changes Continue (Taur) star star star emptystar emptystar

You suddenly fall over and try and stand up but find this impossible as your hips shift and oddly you can feel them start to move backward at an odd angle as two bits of pressure form in your lower body where your legs begin from your waist.


As you stare, the two lumps press down and begin to take shape, forming two slender furry legs complete with the forepaws of a tiger at the end. You reach down to stroke the new limbs as you feel your back legs still being pushed away from you as you develop a long tiger body between the two sets of furry feline legs. Hesitantly you rise to all fours, looking back at the tiger body, and the tail swinging around.<spanSumTF>You are now a male tiger taur</spanSumTF>

Written by on 02 February 2006

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