As you hover your cursor over the "Stance" menu, you find yourself hesitating. The "Quadraped" option seems intriguing, offering the agility and speed of a fox-like creature, but another option catches your attention: "Taur."
Curiosity gets the best of you, and you decide to explore this alternative stance. After all, this is a virtual world, and you can always change it later if it doesn't suit your preferences.
With a click, you select "Taur."
Instantly, a transformative wave sweeps over you, and you feel your body elongating. Your spine stretches, and you're drawn upward as your torso takes on a more vertical orientation. Your limbs begin to shift and merge with your lower body, the boundary between them blurring as they merge into a single form.
You glance down in amazement, witnessing your transformation into a tauric creature. Your upper body retains its human-like appearance, while your lower half is now that of a majestic fox. You've become a centauroid creature, a fusion of human and fox traits.
Your arms remain as they were, human in structure, but covered in a layer of orange fur that matches the rest of your vulpine body. Your hands end in clawed fingers, allowing you to grasp objects or manipulate your virtual surroundings with ease. Your chest and torso are now adorned with white fur, and you can feel your own pulse through the thick fur covering your chest.
As you take in your new form, you notice your legs are now those of a fox, four of them extending gracefully from your lower body. Your hind legs are powerful, capable of quick sprints and agile maneuvers. Your forelimbs are more dexterous, their human-like hands able to perform intricate tasks.
Your new fox tail remains a prominent feature, swaying gracefully behind you. Its orange-red fur stands out vividly against the white of your lower body. The transformation is complete, and you find yourself in awe of your new tauric form.
Testing your new body, you take a few experimental steps, each one a fascinating combination of human and fox-like movements. Your balance feels impeccable, a blend of stability and agility. You flex your claws and experiment with the dexterity of your hands, impressed by your newfound abilities.
You can't help but marvel at the sensation of the virtual world around you. The wind rustles through the tall grasses, and you can almost feel the individual blades brushing against your fur. The scent of the digital landscape fills your nostrils, and you pick up on the faintest traces of various scents, as if your senses have been amplified.
Your ears twitch, catching the distant sounds of virtual birds and the rustling of leaves. Everything feels more vivid, more alive, in this new tauric form. You let out a chuckle, appreciating the level of detail and immersion this virtual reality game has achieved.
With your tauric stance chosen, you decide to explore your surroundings more thoroughly. The open field stretches out in all directions, and the blue virtual sky overhead seems to go on forever. You can see distant mountains on the horizon, and a river glistens under the sun's rays.
Curiosity and a sense of adventure fill you as you take your first steps in this digital world. You set off towards the river, your tauric body moving with a grace that you could never have imagined in your human form.
Written by - on 24 September 2023
The end (for now)