Trick Magic II
You mull over the two choices for a beat, pondering the ramifications of one over the other, until you decide that you feel it’s better to wait for the signal, as it were, before you go inside with Fia. You trust Moirine regardless, yet even so, you’d rather be safe than sorry in this situation – you’re still leery of the djinn and what he’s capable of.
I’d rather wait, you say to Fia.
Fia nods. Very well, pup. Then we’ll wait. It shouldn’t be long.
For a moment, you both stand there, waiting patiently. You can’t really hear what’s going on inside the shop, yet you see a flash of light flickering from one corner somewhere inside. You figure that’s the sign Moirine has freed the djinn in question.
While you don’t know how much time you have, you can’t help but be a bit curious about something Fia mentioned – and since you don’t hear her saying to move…
You said there are other djinn inside this shop? you ask, glancing to Fia.
Aye, there are, Fia replies. She shifts around in her place, frowning. Truth be told, I’m a little surprised that there’s more than one djinn in this Shard, but then again, given the nature of who OWNS this Shard, I suppose I’m equally unsurprised to hear it, too.
Why’s that? you ask. This whole world is fascinating to you, and you like learning.
Fia meets your gaze. Hm. D’ya mean for the latter or the former part of my statement?
You blink a few times. Oh, er… I guess… the latter?
She chuckles inwardly. I’m just messing with you, pup. I’ll answer both, since that piece of shit djinn is currently taking his sweet-arse time going through his grand introduction.
You’re a little puzzled at that – you can’t recall the djinn being overly theatrical when you met him – but you don’t question it, and you wait to hear more from Fia while you can.
Djinn aren’t usually, for lack of a better word, ‘stored’ near one another, Fia says. I can’t speak of the full reasoning behind it all, but, to my understanding, it’s a matter of ‘better safe than sorry’ when it comes to where djinn lamps or whatever the object they’re living in is placed. Her lips purse. You never know how things might go if you have too many djinn in the same vicinity as one another. Their magics are still deadly, even nowadays.
I thought that they couldn’t do anything without a master, you remark.
In theory, aye, Fia replies, and her expression hardens. But there is much of our world and our natures that you don’t yet understand, pup – the foundation of what you think of as ‘magic’ is far broader than mere words can define. Djinn are one of the oldest species in existence, and even with their entire species weakened… it changes little in regards to how dangerous a group of them could be if they somehow convinced a group of masters to work together. She gives a sigh, pausing to look toward the shop for a beat, then she glances back at you. Fortunately, this Shard is… well-guarded, at least.
You nod slowly as you absorb this information. You can, even with your limited scope of knowledge, comprehend why it could be dangerous for there to be too many djinn in one place, especially if their powers are that much of a threat. Of course, your thoughts then shift around to the being mentioned to own this detached realm… the yaksha.
You hesitate before thinking at Fia. Is… is this yaksha… friendly?
Fia dithers. Civil enough, I guess.
Are they around somewhere? You look to and fro. I don’t want to overstep any boundaries since you’ve warned me about them, but, I can’t help being a little curious.
Curiosity’s fine provided you can keep it in check, Fia says, and she gives you a meaningful stare as she says the words. There are three of them that own this shop, and this entire Shard. You could consider them siblings, I guess, although I’m not sure if that term truly fits their… natures. She shudders, then shakes her head. And yes, they’re always around in some form. All three are inside the shop, since it serves as their ‘home.’ But you won’t normally come into contact with them unless they desire it.
Oh, you say. How…?
Magic, pup, Fia says. This building is an extension of their power – they can easily change the shape, the size, and the layout in the blink of an eye. You could enter one day and it would be a single-floor with only a door to get in and out, but then you could re-enter and suddenly it’s massive on the inside, with multiple doors and floors. And since there are three of them, that means three times the possible shifts, as well.
Wow, you think. You aren’t sure what else to say in response, but it fits how you feel given the genuine awe swirling within your chest. Do they have names? You blink, and realize the obvious question you hadn’t considered. Wait, what do yaksha look like?
Careful, pup, Fia says, firmer now. Don’t steer yourself into wondering too much about them, like I said. She stares at you with a severe gaze. Remember that the yaksha may be similar to djinn in some ways, but they’re equally distinct in every form imaginable.
You swallow the lump that forms in your throat. Then, you nod.
Sorry, you say.
It’s fine, Fia replies. She sighs again, a quieter one. Then, however, she snaps to attention as her eyes flick toward the open door. Besides. Her lips twitch, like she’s fighting back the urge to grin. We’ve got a djinn to deal with – it’s time to go inside.
You look toward the shop at hearing this. Oh snap. Uh. Okay, so, how do I…?
Don’t sweat it, Fia replies. Hold still a moment for me.
You do so, and you watch Fia’s eyes start to glow – you feel a strange tingling sensation rush through your body, though it isn’t an uncomfortable one. It only lasts for a couple seconds anyways, and then, Fia’s eyes return to normal, and she smirks.
You’re invisible to the djinn now, Fia says. Let’s go and enjoy the show, eh?
Thus, the two of you enter the shop to confront the crafty djinn.
But as you walk inside behind Fia, you ponder something. Wait, Fia…
She halts and glances over her shoulder at you.
Won’t the djinn hear our footsteps? you ask.
Nay, she says with a shake of her head. Take a step, pup. Do YOU hear footsteps?
You blink a few times and do so. Your feet touch the floor, but, you hear… nothing.
I thought about it when I took my first step, Fia says, and her smirk grows for a brief instance. If I’d heard my foot make a sound, I’d have stopped and told you to be extra careful. But, it seems like we’re being lent a little hand by one of the yaksha. I’m assuming they’re allowing us to sneak in without a sound, to ensure this works. Her smirk lowers and she motions you on. C’mon, pup, let’s not dawdle for too long.
You comply without protest. You don’t ask how the yaksha would know what the plan decided on is, though, since you recall Fia mentioning that they can read thoughts. So, if the yaksha are the ones helping out somehow, you are grateful for it nonetheless.
Ah, Fia remarks suddenly. Moirine is questioning how to word the wish she gives the djinn when he’s done with his yammering. I suppose we ought to hammer down a suggestion for her so she can compose herself. She again looks to you. Any ideas?
You stop mid-step. You hadn’t really thought about it.
If not, don’t sweat it; she can make up something on the fly, as you humans say, Fia remarks, and she shrugs. She’s smart, but, she also wants our input just in case one of us comes up with something better. You’ve been good with making choices for a while now, aye? She smirks. That’s why I figure I’d ask what you thought, pup. Your human mindset offers a different perspective from what the two of us are used to thinking with.
You take an instant to mull over the question in your head; the idea is to word a wish in such a way that would work for your sudden appearance – provided the genie takes the bait Moirine gives him, that is. But for the sake of things, you assume she’ll be able to manipulate the djinn into doing so, which means the wish has to be worded just right.
So, you ponder… how should she word the wish? Should she be specific in how she speaks it so the djinn falls smoothly for this trap? Should you let Fia come up with an idea since she knows about how genies truly think and work better than you do? Or should you trust Moirine’s judgment and let Moirine be the one to decide on the wish?
Written by Hollowpages on 11 February 2022