Battle them
Mara explains that there is a group of human bandits who roam from oasis to oasis, looting and pillaging.
"You trust me, even if I used to be a human?" You ask, a little worried.
"You are my mate now. You are one of us." She says, with a reassuring tone in her voice. You find yourself trusting her, and trusting your instincts that she is a good person.
"Then let's go stop the bandits." You reply.
You head out towards the band of bandits. The journey takes a few days, as you travel across the hot desert sands. You find them easily enough, as they have set up a small camp with a few carts full of loot. You look to Mara for guidance. "What's the plan?."
"The man in charge is named Ghalib. He is a brutal man, and has been known to abuse women. We need to put an end to it." You look at the camp. There are several men there, all armed and armored. The largest of the bunch is probably Ghalib himself. "It's going to be dangerous, but we can do it.".
You prepare yourself mentally for what is to come. You reach out with your senses and locate Ghalib, before proceeding to run towards him. He is taken completely by surprise and you bowl him over, bringing him to the floor. The other bandits look unsure of what to do,. One of them raises his musket, but you are too quick, and easily dodge the shot. You knock the weapon out of his hands and punch him onto the floor.
The bandits charge at you, but even with weapons, they are no match for you. You knock two of them to the floor with a solid punch to the chest, before headbutting another. Still not finished, you take another bandit and smash him into the ground with a powerful throw. By now, the bandits have realized just how outnumbered they are. You give a roar and they run for their lives.
The oasis is yours.
You have won.
"Well done" Mara says, as she walks over to you. She kisses you on the cheek. "You fought well out there."
"It was nothing." You reply in an epic-voice.
Az walks over as well "You have earned a reward tonight. Come into my tent."
Written by Ai Dungeon on 22 January 2021