A Friend of the Tardis...
"How are you doing that?" the man in the fez asks. "No one should be able to control the Tardis in any way but me."
"All I did was push this button, and the door opened. I hit it again and it closed."
"Well, clearly the Tardis sees you as a friend, or it wouldn't respond to you at all. And a friend of the Tardis is a friend of mine, so where are you trying to go? Or perhaps when?"
"Well, I was trying to back in time to the shop so I could prevent myself from obtaining a necklace that changed me into this... raccoon thing... and go back to being a human again, but the shopkeeper sent me on an adventure and I wound up here."
"And you don't like being a "raccoon thing" is that it? How long have you given it a try?"
"I don't want to be hit by a car either, and certainly don't want to give that a try for a while. Anyway look at me! I look like I haven't slept in weeks, I have a stripey tail and fur all over. I certainly can't go down to the pub for a pint like this, or anything for that matter!"
"Right, right. I see your dilema. Well then, since the shopkeeper felt you needed to have a little adventure first and I happen to be between traveling companions at the moment, what say we get that bit out of the way first, then see about the rest, eh?"
"I'm not sure that's absolutely necessary, I-"
"Tut, tut," the fellow in the fez said, and pushed some buttons as he moved around the controls. "I know just the place to go and we can have a bit of breakfast to start."
"Well, I haven't had any breakfast yet, but I don't have any money with me: no pockets."
"No money here either, but I know just the place, so this one's on me. If anyone asks, just tell them you're with the Doctor."
"You're a doctor? Doctor Who?"
"Ah, you've heard of me." The police box/Tardis makes a voorp voorp sound.
Written by AbNom on 13 July 2020
The end (for now)