Awakening the beast within, with stripes
Watching where you prec yourself from the injection site, like a stone being thrown into a still pond that a tidal wave of fur was shortly after speading. While the potion travels down through your bloodstream that the fur reaches down to your hands as it starts to change the fingernails into claws. The ripples of these changes continue to spread through out the body that you could feel the fur on the other arm, nearly matching the first arm.
Swaying on your feet as the bones begin to crunch and shift that this was also happening to your legs. Your knees shift directions as your feet elongate. The calluses built up on your hands and feet as this soften into pads that your toenails also grew into claws too.
Feeling the fur now spreading up your legs as it was soon up your waist that behind you, a long stripped tail sprouts into existence while snaking its way out from your tailbone. With the fur now covering most of your body that the only area letf to finish was your head as it was the last to change. Your vision blurs as your nose takes a trip outwards, sending most of your teeth with it that they were also becoming sharp fangs.
Your eyes became rounder as they migrated up your head that even your eyes were now emerald green. Each strand of fur that now covers you stretches while reshaping your head to be more of a masculine tiger you're going to be soon as your orthodontist would be mad right at this very moment, if they could only see you now. Still, you made the right call of removing your clothes as they would of been destroyed by the changes you went through that you took a moment to review and admire yourself in the mirror opposite of you.
Looking like a humanized bengle tiger, and a hansom one while your at it that you started to like this cat's body. You soon heard the wizard say something while behind you as you started flexing your buff out body that any girl would go crazy after a man for. "Well now. . . It would seem that you're into this one, as this one seems to workout just fine."
"So it seems that way. God, if only my girlfriend could see me now." You said as your voice seemed a bit scruffy, at first.
"I know the feeling kid. Now then... how about we try out our next demo?" The wizard said as you were going to miss this gorgeous tiger body, but you soon try out the next demo.
Written by Jacob on 03 July 2020
The end (for now)