You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You decide to get a scroll. But which one?
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
FurCon Flyer
Picking up the scroll, you find it to be a flyer to a fur con. “Furreal: The longer you stay, the more real it gets.” Giving a chuckle you put it back down on the table.
Looking back up you find yourself in the foyer of a hotel. Not only that but it is decorated with banners advertising the convention. Each banner seems to be setup with a crest representing a different type of creature.
The staff seem to be in the same mood as everyone is wearing at least part of a costume. Ranging from simple ears to the ones in full fursuit.
Checking in the receptionist quickly finds your details and hands over the keys. “Thank you for staying with us, your bags are in your room which is setup as ...”
Written by catprog on 17 October 2018
Feline room
“Feline” she says moving onto the next guest.
You make your way to the elevator and are surprised when it opens directly onto your room.
The door closes behind you and seemingly disappears into the wall. The room itself is decorated as if you were a giant cat. There is a scratching post , a cat tree. Even a small catnip plant. The bed is setup as a cat cave .
However the decoration does not seem to go into the bathroom, that is still a normal human one.
While you look around you spot the bags at the end of the bed. They appears to be for someone else however as…
Written by catprog on 06 November 2018
The inside of the bags only contain female clothes. The name on the bag however is your name. The ID inside while the sex is marked as F is still has your photo.
While you are looking at the clothes the door has disappeared. Not only that but there is no trace of the phone either. As you look around the sprinkler system activates just above you, the rest of the room is still dry. Having no other choice you get out of your dripping clothes and hang them out to dry.
The air conditioner also turns on quickly chilling the room. Looking through the bags you try and find something that will fit you. Finally you decide on …
Written by catprog on 17 November 2018
Tigress fursuit
Everything is too female for you to wear, until you pull out a fursuit. While still female it means that you are hidden inside and no one will see you.
Once you have put the costume on you look around. The door is now clearly visible. Heading out you find yourself in a packed hallway filled with people and their luggage.
Eventually you make it to the elevator. Given that it is empty, this gives you time to look at the costume in the mirrors. If you did not know any better you would almost think you were an actual tigress. Although the chest could be a bit flatter if you were actually going hunting.
“Pity there is no jungle to go hunting in” you say in a voice that while the deep voice of a tiger you still know it is that of a female. “Must have a voice changing module in here. And a pretty good one at that.”
The doors open and you quickly get out letting a bunch of fursuiters in, there suits nowhere near as good as yours “Checked in already?” a busty skunk girl says in a deep male voice. “Soon as I drop my bags off I am off to the pool to show off the skunk.”
“Don’t you need to worry about the pool water… miss?” you ask them.
The skunk looks at you “Not a miss yet ... Ah, first time at the con right?.” they ask you.
You nod.
“I wish I could see your face when you realize” they say as the doors close on them.
The line at the receptionist is short and you quickly get to the desk.
“I have a complaint” you say “The sprinkler soaked the clothes I was wearing and I got the wrong luggage. ”
The receptionist nods “I see. We can have a maintenance team to have a look at it shortly. Can I have your name and room number please?”
“[[your name]] “ you say “room 368”
“Ok miss [[your name]]. I have the order in the system. Would you like a pass to our lounge as compensation for your troubles?”
Written by catprog on 22 November 2018
In the Lounge
Taking the pass you quickly head over to the lounge.
Inside you find everyone is in a fursuit. One of the tigers notices you and walks over.
“Hello, is this your first time here?” he asks the voice much deeper than yours.
Nodding you ask back “How can you tell?”
“You have the look of someone who has not realised what is special about this con yet. Let me buy you a drink and you can tell me how you got here”
He waves to a waiter “Two tiger specials” he says before taking you to one of the tables.
“Well I was at a store, found a scroll and somehow ended up at the hotel. Then I had the wrong luggage and a sprinkler went off. They gave me a pass to the lounge while they investigate though.”
The tiger grins, even through the suit. “Sounds like a rough welcome. So why did you wear a fursuit out of the room?”
You blush “Well everything else was not my style. This way I am at least hidden. I am not sure how you are meant to drink in one of these though”
The waiter returns with two saucers.
The tiger smiles to him and turns back to you “Well you see this con is special. Just follow my lead”
He leans down and starts to lap from the saucer and before your eyes the level drops.
Freezing you ask “How?”
“This convention somehow makes the costumes real. Even if you put normal clothes on it changes you to match them.”
You try to reach up and take the head off.
“You are a tigress for now” he says. “Just relax and have a drink with me. Then you can go back and turn back to normal”
Written by catprog on 25 November 2018
Back to the Room
You shake your head “This is too much for me” you say and race back to your room.
Once inside you feel the fur shift back into the fursuit. Breathing a sigh of relief you take it off finding yourself back to normal.
The room however has changed. It now looks like a treehouse, not only that but outside the many windows you see jungle.
You look around for your clothes and notice a note on the bed.
“We are sorry for the inconvenience of finding the last guests wet and moldy clothes. We are also sorry for the inconvenience of losing your luggage. New clothes are in the wardrobe”
You open the wardrobe to find the clothes. Just looking at them however tells you that once again they have gotten your sex wrong. Every single one of them is for a female.
Picking up the phone you call reception again “What happened to the clothes?” you say in your old voice.
The voice on the other end “The cleaners had to remove them, the previous guest had left them there and they were unsuitable”
“Those were my clothes” you growl down the line “Your sprinkler system is why they were wet.”
“But they were male and you are… Oh. Don’t worry we will be able to provide replacements in a week. ”
“A week? “
“We are in the middle of the jungle. That is when the next supply drop will arrive”
“What about my ones?” you say.
“We had to burn them to get rid of the mold.” the voice says hanging up.
You try to open the door. It is not until you see a small sign saying “Please be dressed when heading outside” that you realize that you have nothing on.
Once you have the fursuit on the door opens and you walk out onto the balcony.
Outside you feel the magic take hold turning you back into the anthro tigress.
From your balcony you can see the trees go on for as far as you can see.
In the distance you hear and spot a waterfall falling into a lake.
Above the waterfall you spot an overgrown structure.
Also nearby are a bunch of treehouses much like your own, each with there own tree.
Written by catprog on 27 November 2018
To the waterfall
Climbing down the ladder you feel your body shifting again. This time your hands shift into paws while your arms become legs.
Being on a ladder as this happens you find yourself losing grip and falling. Twisting in the air you soon find yourself landing on all fours.
The path is clearly marked and following it you soon find yourself at the base of the waterfall.
Walking into the water you feel the ground drop away quickly, forcing you to swim. Diving down you try and catch some of the fish swimming around but they quickly swim away.
Floating back to the top you spot a male tiger watching, and seemingly laughing at you.
Written by catprog on 30 November 2018
Swim Over
Swimming over you shake yourself dry. The other tiger responds by splashing you. You roar trying to speak, this body seemingly only able to talk like a tiger.
The other tiger smiles to you and nudges you towards the trail he has come down before walking down it. Following him you come to a deck and room much like your own.
He climbs the steps and stands upright “Would you like to come up and join me?” he says.
Written by catprog on 03 December 2018