Tigress fursuit
Everything is too female for you to wear, until you pull out a fursuit. While still female it means that you are hidden inside and no one will see you.
Once you have put the costume on you look around. The door is now clearly visible. Heading out you find yourself in a packed hallway filled with people and their luggage.
Eventually you make it to the elevator. Given that it is empty, this gives you time to look at the costume in the mirrors. If you did not know any better you would almost think you were an actual tigress. Although the chest could be a bit flatter if you were actually going hunting.
“Pity there is no jungle to go hunting in” you say in a voice that while the deep voice of a tiger you still know it is that of a female. “Must have a voice changing module in here. And a pretty good one at that.”
The doors open and you quickly get out letting a bunch of fursuiters in, there suits nowhere near as good as yours “Checked in already?” a busty skunk girl says in a deep male voice. “Soon as I drop my bags off I am off to the pool to show off the skunk.”
“Don’t you need to worry about the pool water… miss?” you ask them.
The skunk looks at you “Not a miss yet ... Ah, first time at the con right?.” they ask you.
You nod.
“I wish I could see your face when you realize” they say as the doors close on them.
The line at the receptionist is short and you quickly get to the desk.
“I have a complaint” you say “The sprinkler soaked the clothes I was wearing and I got the wrong luggage. ”
The receptionist nods “I see. We can have a maintenance team to have a look at it shortly. Can I have your name and room number please?”
“[[your name]] “ you say “room 368”
“Ok miss [[your name]]. I have the order in the system. Would you like a pass to our lounge as compensation for your troubles?”
Written by catprog on 22 November 2018