Go Home
You carefully sneak into the house, you had ditched your classes for the day, unsure if anyone else was home or not. You had not seen your sisters car or your parents, but that did not mean they were not here.
Throwing caution to the wind as soon as you hit the stairs you bolt up to your room and into the bathroom. In the light of the mirror your fur catches the light and shines. It was a good coat. You take a second to admire yourself in the mirror and take a peek down your shirt, yup all woman, you think to yourself abashedly.
You look at your hairbrush and sure enough there were a few hairs in it. Not wanting to get them mixed up or lose them you just decide to bring the whole thing. You take the hairbrush with you and decide to take a minute to pull on a baggy hoodie you have in your closet. You tuck your tail up inside of it and hope that it would not draw attention. You then put the hairbrush inside of the pocket of your hoodie and turn running back to the bathroom. In your haste you smash your wider hip into the door frame and wince losing your balance. You hit the floor and bounce sending a shockwave of pain through your chest as your unsupported assets bounce hard. Being a woman did come with drawbacks you suppose as you get back up and ready yourself for the return trip to the magic shop.
You hear a call from downstairs. "Hello? Who's home." You curse under your breath, your sister had returned from God knows where and had heard you. You ready the travel bag and tuck it into your pocket.
You struggle to try to form words that would sound like your old self. "Just me!" You yell back.
You can hear your sister start up the stairs and say, "Oh ok, you sound different, are you getting sick? By the way mom and dad..."
You know that she is going to barge into your room so you throw yourself against your closed door hoping to prevent her from seeing your new canine form.
"Hey yeah, I am not feeling good, I think I am going to go over to Jim's later on." You growl through the door.
"Why is your door locked? Don't want sis checking in on you? You really sound different..." She tries the handle and pushes knocking you back a little. In your previous form you would have had no problem keeping her out, your new form however was not nearly as solid. She pushes again, harder from the other side and you lose your balance falling painfully again on your rump. The door swings open and your sister stares at you mouth agape.
"Wha..." She starts and then her eyes roll up into her head as she faints in the hallway.
Cursing again, you know that you have to now take care of her and make sure she's alright. You try lifting her and failing that, drag her to her bed, lifting her up one body part at a time. You venture into her bathroom and get a washcloth and wet it. You place it on your sister's head and gently try to rouse her.
She stirs and comes to looking up and your new face in fright. She immediately pulls herself up into a ball on the bed and tries to get away from you.
You hold up a hand, and try to shush her. "Calm down.. shhhh.. It's ok. It's me. Your brother!"
"What the! What is going on!? Start talking... Now!" She says eyeing you warily.
"I decided to ditch class today and check out that new magic shop downtown that opened up. It turns out that their magic is... real. I am going to get them to brew another potion that will turn me back but it is going to take some time. Mom and Dad can't find out."
"How do I know it is you and not someone else." She says cautiously.
"Because I'm your brother, now stop being silly." You gently chide her.
"Silly! You're not even a dude anymore. What happened to you?" She says.
"I tried one of the spells and then had to try another. Listen I don't have time for this. I hope you're alright, please don't tell mom and dad, I will be back and we can talk about all of this then, alright?"
She nods and pokes a finger into your chest.
"You better fix this or I will never forgive you." she says. You roll your eyes and turn walking out of the room and head back to the magic shop.
When you get there you see...
Written by crunchynachoes on 26 November 2018