You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
Into the shop
You decide to go into the shop to look around.
Inside it is very dusty and is crammed with shelves. There is lots of products that overflow from the shelves and are lying on the floor.
You notice the counter and the old man in a bathrobe behind it. "Welcome <<your name here>>" he says. "How do you know my name?" you ask the old man "Simple, I am a wizard" he responds "Have a look around too see if there is anything you would like to buy".
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
You walk over to a table where a number of syringes are.
"What are these?" you ask.
The wizard smiles "My latest creations. Potions that you inject directly into the bloodstream. I am hoping that you will not need as much to cause the transformations."
"They are much cheaper then the other types that I have. However I have not been able to find anyone to test them on. Are you interested in one? We may be able to do a deal if you are."
Written by catprog on 14 March 2015
You hesitantly pick up the one labelled in big red letters down the side, "DOG". The wizard nods to you, eagerly waiting on you to try it out.
"How much?" You ask..
"Oh not much at all, if you demo that product my only ask is that you demo another as well and we'll call it square." The man answers you back.
Unsure if you really want to inject yourself with an unknown substance from someone you've never met before or what you're exactly signing yourself up for, you turn a questioning eye back to the wizard while holding the needle.
"Afraid of needles?" the wizard questions. "Don't worry these are magic needles, you wont feel a thing."
You sigh and not wanting to be rude or refuse something that could be fun, you hold it up to your opposing arm and push the plunger down. It was as if you were pumping fur directly from the syringe into your arm. You watch as a tidal wave of fur spreads form the injection site like a stone thrown into a still pond. The ripples of changes disappear under your clothing but you can feel the fur spreading still. You sway on your feet as bones crunch and shift. Behind you, your shirt is lifted up as a long tail sprouts into existence. Your vision blurs as your nose takes a trip outwards sending most of your teeth with it. Your orthodontist would be mad if he could see you now.
Your knees shift directions as your feet elongate. The calluses built up on your feet soften into pads and you find that your shoes no longer fit.
Kicking them off you take a second to admire yourself in the mirror opposite you. You look like a humanized border collie. Black fur and white accents.
"Now then... That seems to have worked out very nice..." You hear the wizard say behind you. "How about you demo the second one?"
Written by crunchynachoes on 05 November 2018
Second Vial
You see the wizard holding out a second vial, this time a bright pink "F" resided on the side of the vial in bright bubblegum pink.
"What does this one do?" You ask hesitantly.
"Oh nothing much, it will simply change your gender from male to female." The Wizard states matter of factly. You had just become a dog person a minute ago and now the man wants you to become female as well.
Seeing the look on your face the man says, "Now now, you can not back out now. You agreed to this."
Seeing no choice, you swallow your fear and set aside the fear racing through you. You hold the syringe up to your furred arm taking car to place it on the skin and push the plunger down.
Years of muscle melted away under the syringe as your body starts to reform with the potions effect. You immediately regret the decision as you feel your chest swell under your shirt. Your loose fitting shirt had become tight across your chest and hung like drapes off new assets that ran down your torso. It seems as if this potion kept your assets in line with the other potion as you developed multiple rows of assets just like dogs have. Your hips broaden and your features take on a more feminine cast.
You can feel your bones shrink as you lose a few inches off of your height. You can feel the changes everywhere and hope for the best.
"Perfect, that also seems to have worked out rather well, now then I think we're square unless you happen to want to take a look at anything else?" The wizard says from behind the counter.
Written by crunchynachoes on 19 November 2018
Try to change back
Deciding that this was simply too much adventure for one afternoon, you turn to the wizard after admiring yourself in the mirror for a few minutes. "Ummm sir?" You say in a low voice, your vocal cords new and husky despite your feminine body. "Is there anything you have that will change me back to the person I was?"
"Oh no! You don't like it?" He said, disappointedly. "Hmmm well, let me check. I do not think I have anything like that off hand, I can change you back to a human rather easily but it will take some time to brew another potion that would turn you back to human." He says.
You again swallow hard, there is no way you can go back home like this, you think to yourself, what will your girlfriend think? What will anyone at school think?
The wizard pauses and asks, "I dont suppose you have anything I can use from your prior self, maybe a haircut or hairbrush that I can use for the potion?"
You think for a second and remember that you might have a hair or two stuck in your hairbrush at home. You never kept your hair long as a man but there still might be something caught up in there.
You whine instinctively and tell the wizard, "I might have some at home, I will have to go home and get it and then come back." The wizard nods and says, "Well I can't start until you bring me something I can use back."
You turn on your padded feet and practically run out of the store leaving your shoes behind. The wizard tsks and sets them to the side as you hit the door at a run.
Written by crunchynachoes on 24 November 2018