Try to Escape
You turn quickly, looking for an escape, whatever this old coot has planned is not something you want to stick around for. Your balance shifts on new legs, your extra weight up top carrying you around. Your new legs catch something unseen and with a shock you realize that you're about to crash into the table full of vials and relics.
"No!" Ivan screams at you. "Wait we can talk about it!"
You lift your arms up at the last second shielding your face, knocking the various trinkets off the table sending them clattering to the floor. The scene plays in slow motion to you. Perhaps it was an effect of the shop or some unknown hold over from the vial you swallowed but the fall seemed to take an eternity for your conscious mind.
Your wide hips connect with the table and roll unexpectedly down to the floor, your new bottom cushioning the blow nicely. Your back hits the floor as amulets fly around you. You feel your breasts roll into your armpits their weight pulling on your chest painfully. As if in slow motion you see the contents of the vials had skittered to the edge of the table, and now with your back flush against the floor, you're staring up at your impending doom.
The vials contents tip up and froth precariously, the rack leaning against the edge, threatening at any second to spill their contents on you. Dust kicked up from the floor of the shop settles around you as your eyes are fixed to the rack of vials. Green and red, purple and blue liquids sway back and forth with the sudden flurry of motion. One of the vials, seemingly coated in fur leaks a bead of contents down the side. The last vial glowing a violent shade of neon purple twists and thrashes at the glass.
"Careful now!" Ivan calls out to you. "Careful! Just move out of the way of the vials and we can talk about the payment. Easy... Easy." He says coaching you on as you shift around, first shifting your new hair out of the way, then untangling yourself from the various cords and cables that have found their way on top of you.
The dust scratches at your nose, your eyes water, you can feel the inevitable about to happen.
Ivan can see it on your face as he says, "Oh no. Don't, just hold it in!" But he is cut off as you sneeze viciously. The sound was all that was needed to free the vials from their precarious perch.
You try to reach up to stop the vials from falling, your new assets blocking your arms ability to reach it quickly enough. You grab the rack, only to spill the vials over yourself.
You watch in horror as the various liquids mix and tumble shining dimly in the light of the shop as they splash over you coating your face, torso, arms, breasts, and pants. You gasp at the various sensations of the liquids hitting you at once. A generous portion of the potions flows impossibly into your mouth as if seeking refuge from the shop. You feel the burning urge to swallow as the liquid practically forces its way down your throat. You feel your skin quake as it starts shifting and taking on different characteristics. You feel as if you're burning but freezing, wet but dry, alive but dead.
Ivan stiffens and watches the scene unfold. "Aww man not again. I always lose my best customers. I wonder what she's going to look like after this."
Written by Crunchynachoes on 08 October 2018