First Quest
You give the door a firm push to open it and you are greeted by a fairly simple interior. A burly man stands behind the counter stacked nearly to the ceiling with scrolls. Large, black horns protrude from his bald head, and a thin, leathery tail flicks through the air behind him. Each of the scrolls is tied shut with a colored ribbon. You assume that the different colors have a meaning, but there is no way to be sure without asking.
Without hesitation, you walk up to the counter and put your paws on it to attract the attention of the man behind it. He seems very focused on the scroll that he’s reading, so you speak up.
“Excuse me. I’m here to start a quest.” You sound slightly uncertain, but perhaps that is because your voice sounds so foreign to you. You still haven’t gotten used to your feminine aspects.
“Really? We don’t get many of your kind willing to pull your own weight,” the man says with a skeptical look, probably sizing you up. You aren’t sure if he is referring to the Sphinx part of you or the fact that you are female. Perhaps you should have done some more research on this game before jumping into it.
“I am entirely serious. Please, just give me something to do,” you reply, trying not to let your mild annoyance show.
He shrugs and pulls a scroll out of the stack. It is tied shut with a light green ribbon that disappears into golden dust when he removes it. “This is the easiest quest I have available for you, but even that might be a bit difficult.” He notices the heavy frown on your face and sighs. “Look, I’ll do you a favor. Take this armor to protect yourself.”
A leathery garment appears on the counter that looks like it could fit you. There are metal pads on the shoulders and small iron spikes lining the spine. A pop-up appears before you to ask if you want to accept this trade. You agree and suddenly you are wearing the armor instead of the Greek styled robes that you spawned with. It’s far heavier, but not uncomfortably so.
The next pop up to appear is the scroll which details the goals of your quest. You are to find a cave just outside of the town and clear it of several small enemies and a boss monster. While you don’t have a weapon, it still seems like a fairly easy task. The reward for your efforts will be twenty gold coins according to the bottom of the scroll. That should be enough for a few more nights at the inn, so you head out to complete the job.
Written by Quuentong on 19 September 2018