The Inn
The light illuminating the sign of the inn, which you find out is also a tavern, is cast by a torch that seems to be close to burning out. You push on the door and walk in, gaining the attention of a tired looking woman behind the front desk. She appears to be human but doesn’t care one bit about you being a Sphinx.
“Hey, um, I’m interested in renting a room,” you say, putting your front paws up onto the desk to reach eye level with her.
“I’d be concerned if you were here without that being your intention,” the woman sighs. “As the owner of this inn, I’ll give you a room for five coins.”
Two buttons appear before your face, one saying yes and the other no. Hesitantly, you select yes to see what will happen. Five of the golden coins you collected earlier now float back out of your satchel and into the innkeeper's hand. She nods at you and grabs a key from her desk, presumably to guide you to your room.
When the woman moves, you realize that it isn’t like a human would normally walk, and once she moves away from the desk you see why. The top half of the innkeeper appears to be like any woman would, but her bottom half is that of a large serpent. You recall that this creature, a Lamia, was one of the options on the character selection screen.
She waits for you to follow her and then slithers down a hall on the left side of you. The snake woman stops near the end of the hallway and unlocks a door. Without a word, she makes her way back to the front desk. The key floats out of the lock and into your bag, leaving you to enter the room and take a look around. You hope that you won’t need to unlock the door by yourself because the paws you have would most likely make that impossible.
The room contains a comfortable bed with many pillows and silk blankets. Hopefully, your claws won’t tear through them. There is also a chest of drawers, a bedside table, and a closet, but you have nothing to put in them. The exhaustion has caught up with you completely now, so you decide to sleep and attempt to figure out your situation in the morning.
Written by Quuentong on 15 September 2018